Cenwch i'r Ion ei holl saint ef

(Wylofain dros brydnawn)
Cenwch i'r Ion, ei holl saint ef,
  A llawen lef, clodforwch;
Wrth goffa ei sancteiddrwydd pur,
  A chalon gywir cenwch.

Ni phery ei lid
    ond ennyd fer,
  Mae'n ei foddlonder fywyd;
Heno brydnawn wylofain sydd,
  Y bore-ddydd daw iechyd.

Cuddiaist dy wyneb ennyd awr,
  A blinder mawr a gefais;
Arnat, O Arglwydd! y rhois lef,
  A'r Arglwydd nef ymbiliais.

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Lamentation for an evening)
Sing ye to the Sovereign, all his saints,
  With a cheerful voice, extol ye;
Commemorating his pure holiness,
  With a true heart sing ye.

His anger will not continue
    but for a short while,
  His pleasure is life;
This evening there is lamentation,
  In the morn of day will come salvation.

Thou didst hide thy face for a while now,
  And great grief I got;
To thee, O Lord, I give my cry,
  And the Lord of heaven I entreated.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
4 Thus to his courts, ye saints of his,
    with songs of praise repair;
  With me commemorate his truth,
    and providential care.

5 His wrath has but
      a moment's reign,
    his favour no decay;
  Your night of grief is recompensed
    with joy's returning day.

7 But soon I found thy favour, Lord,
    my empire's only trust;
  For when thou hid'st thy face, I saw
    my honour laid in dust.

8 Then, as I vainly had presumed,
    my error I confessed;
  And thus, with supplicating voice,
    thy mercy's throne addressed.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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