Cenwch i'r Ion, ei holl saint ef, A llawen lef, clodforwch; Wrth goffa ei sancteiddrwydd pur, A chalon gywir cenwch. Ni phery ei lid ond ennyd fer, Mae'n ei foddlonder fywyd; Heno brydnawn wylofain sydd, Y bore-ddydd daw iechyd. Cuddiaist dy wyneb ennyd awr, A blinder mawr a gefais; Arnat, O Arglwydd! y rhois lef, A'r Arglwydd nef ymbiliais.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 [Mesur: MS 8787] |
Sing ye to the Sovereign, all his saints, With a cheerful voice, extol ye; Commemorating his pure holiness, With a true heart sing ye. His anger will not continue but for a short while, His pleasure is life; This evening there is lamentation, In the morn of day will come salvation. Thou didst hide thy face for a while now, And great grief I got; To thee, O Lord, I give my cry, And the Lord of heaven I entreated.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
4 Thus to his courts, ye saints of his, with songs of praise repair; With me commemorate his truth, and providential care. 5 His wrath has but a moment's reign, his favour no decay; Your night of grief is recompensed with joy's returning day. 7 But soon I found thy favour, Lord, my empire's only trust; For when thou hid'st thy face, I saw my honour laid in dust. 8 Then, as I vainly had presumed, my error I confessed; And thus, with supplicating voice, thy mercy's throne addressed.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696 |