Chwi bererinion glān

(Cynhaliaeth y Pererinion)
Chwi, bererinion glān,
  Sy'n mynd tua'r Ganaan wlad,
Ni thariaf innau ddim yn ōl,
  Dilynaf ōl eich traed;
Nes mynd i Salem bur
  Mewn cysur llawn i'm lle:
O! Ffrind troseddwyr, moes dy law,
  A thyn fi draw i dre'.

Mi ges arwyddion gwir
  O gariad pur fy Nuw;
Ei ras a'i dawel hyfryd hedd
  I'm henaid, rhyfedd yw;
Ymhell o'r babell hon
  Mae 'nghalon gydag E';
O! Ffrind troseddwyr, moes dy law,
  A thyn fi draw i dre'.

Mae manna wedi'i gael
  Mewn dyrys anial dir;
Ymborthi gaf, ond mynd ymlaen,
  Ar ffrwythau'r Ganaan bur;
Mae yno sypiau grawn
  Yn llawn o fewn i'r lle;
O! Ffrind troseddwyr, moes dy law,
  A thyn fi draw i dre'.

Wrth feddwl am y wlad
  A ragbar'toed i'r plant,
A chyflawn degwch tŷ fy Nhad,
  Mae ar fy nghalon chwant
I lanio uwch y nen,
  Tu draw'r Iorddonen gre';
O! Ffrind troseddwyr, moes dy law,
  A thyn fi draw i dre'.

'Rwy'n gweled, trwy fy Nuw,
  Y concraf fyd a chnawd;
O dan ei aden gwnaf fy nyth,
  Ni fyddaf byth yn dlawd;
Mae'm hetifeddiaeth wych
  O fewn i entrych ne';
O! Ffrind troseddwyr, moes dy law,
  A thyn fi draw i dre'.
Nes mynd i :: Nes elwy' i

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Aberdar (alaw Ellmynig)
Eden (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Gobaith (Tom Price 1857-1925)
Kane (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Leominster (G W Martin 1825-81)
Llanllyfni (John Jones 1796-1857)
Pererin (alaw Gymreig)

  Daeth bore i'r adar mān
  Mae'r manna wedi ei gael
  Mi ges arwyddion gwir

(The Sustenance of Pilgrims)
Ye holy pilgrims,
  Who are going to Canaan's land,
I will not stay behind,
  I will follow your footsteps;
Until I get to pure Salem
  In full comfort in my place:
O Friend of transgressors, give thy hand,
  And draw me yonder to home.

I had real signs
  Of the pure love of my God;
His grace and his quiet, delightful peace
  To my soul, is wonderful;
Far away from thy tent
  My heart is with him;
O Friend of transgressors, give thy hand,
  And draw me yonder to home.

Manna I have had
  In a troublesome desert land;
Feed I may, but I will go on,
  On the fruits of pure Canaan;
Clusters of grapes are there
  Fully within the place;
O Friend of transgressors, give thy hand,
  And draw me yonder to home.

While thinking about the land
  Prepared for the children,
And the complete fairness of my Father's house,
  My heart has a desire
To land above the sky,
  Beyond the strong Jordan;
O Friend of transgressors, give thy hand,
  And draw me yonder to home.

I can see, through my Father,
  I will conquer a world and flesh;
Under his wings I will make my nest,
  I will never be poor;
My brilliant inheritance is
  Within the vault of heaven;
O Friend of transgressors, give thy hand,
  And draw me yonder to home.

tr. 2009,12 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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