Clodfored pawb ein Duw

  Clodfored pawb ein Duw,
    Iôr byw a bia'r byd,
  I dderbyn mwy o'n mawl,
    Mae ganddo hawl o hyd;
Ei roddion 'nawr a rydd in' hedd,
Ond dyry fwy tu draw i fedd.

  Y bywyd draw i'r bedd,
    A rydd o'i ryfedd rad,
  I'r plant ar ol eu pla,
    Drwy wledda yn y wlad,
Lle nad oes boen,
      medd hanes bur,
I deulu'r saint,
      na dalen sur.

  Boed ein hymddyried 'nawr
    Yn Iesu mawr; un mwyn,
  Er bod ar orsedd nef,
    E glyw ein llef a'n cwyn;
Bu yn y glyn, E gafodd glwy',
Boed y gogoniant iddo mwy.
Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: 666688]

  Let all acclaim our God,
    The living Lord whose is the world,
  To receive more of our praise,
    He has the right always;
His gifts now shall give us peace,
But shall give more beyond the grave.

  The life beyond the grave,
    He shall give of his wonderful grace,
  To the children after their plague,
    Through feasting in the land,
Where there is no pain,
      says pure history,
For the family of the saints,
      nor a sour leaf.

  May our trust now be
    In great Jesus; a tender one,
  Although he is on the throne of heaven,
    He hears our cry and our complaint;
He was in the vale, He got a wound,
May the glory be to him evermore.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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