Clodforwn di ar beraidd dôn

(Clôd i Dduw am weithredoedd natur,
rhagluniaeth, a grâs.)
Clodforwn di ar beraidd dôn,
Yr anwyl ogoneddus Iôn,
  Yr unig wir a'r bywiol Dduw:
Ymgrymwn ger dy fron yn awr,
Addolwn mwy dy enw mawr;
  Dy enw di mor hynod yw!

Tydi O Dduw a wnaeth y byd,
Yr haul a'r nefol gyrph i gyd,
  A'r holl gre'digaeth
      helaeth hardd:
Dy gadarn fraich a geidw'n dde',
Y nef a'u lluoedd
   yn eu lle,
  A'u trefn dêg o'th law a dardd.

O'th fwynder cu yr y'm yn cael,
Ein cymmorth oll a'n lluniaeth hael,
  A'n trugareddau o bob rhyw;
Ein iechyd, nerth, a'n synwyr sydd,
Oddi wrthyt ti bob nos a dydd,
  Ac ynot bawb yr y'm yn byw.

Ond O mor ryfeddol ydyw gwaith,
Dy gariad mawr, a'th ddoniau maith,
  Yn iechydwriaeth enaid dyn!
I wared dyn oedd elyn Duw,
Rhag uffern gaeth, yr Iesu gwiw,
  Ddioddefodd angau'r groes ei hun.

Dy yspryd Sanctaidd hefyd sydd,
Yn gweithio gwir effeithiol ffydd,
  Ym mhawb o'r gwaredigion cu:
Y rhai'n i gyd, ar nefol gân,
Ddyrchafant glôd i'th enw glân;
  Boed i ti fawl
      anfarwol fry.

            - - - - -
(Clodydd Ion)
Clodforwn di ar beraidd dôn,
Y mawr a'r gogoneddus Ion,
  Yr unig wir a'r bywiol Dduw:
Ymgrymwn ger dy fron yn awr,
Addolwn mwy dy enw mawr;
  Dy enw di mor hynod yw!

O mor ryfeddol ydyw gwaith
Dy gariad mawr a'th ddoniau maith,
  Yn iachawdwriaeth enaid dyn!
I wared dyn oedd elyn Duw,
Rhag uffern gaeth, yr Iesu gwiw,
  Ddyoddefodd angau'r groes ei hun!

Dy Ysbryd Sanctaidd hefyd sydd
Yn gweithio gwir a bywiol ffydd
  Yn mhawb sy'n gwir edifarhau;
Y rhai'n i gyd, ar nefol gân,
Ddyrchafant glod i'th enw glân;
  Boed iti fawl byth i barhau.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [888D]:
Orleans (<1876)
Tadmor (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

gwelir: Tydi O Dduw a wnaeth y byd

((Praise to God for the actions of nature,
providence, and grace.)
We praise thee with a sweet tune,
The beloved, glorious Lord,
  The only true and lively God:
We bow before thee now,
We will worship every more thy great name;
  Thy name is so remarkable!

It is Thou, O God, who madest the world,
The sun and all the heavenly bodies,
  And the whole extensive,
    beautiful creation:
Thy firm arm shall keep right
Heaven and all its hosts in their place,
  And their fair order
     springs from thy hand.

From thy dear tenderness we are getting
All our help and our generous provision,
  And our mercies of every kind;
Our health, strength, and our sense is,
From thee every night and day,
  And in thee all of us are living.

But, O how wonderful is the work
Of thy great love, and thy vast gifts,
  In the salvation of the soul of man!
To deliver man who was an enemy of God,
From captive hell, the worthy Jesus
  Suffered the death of the cross himself.

Thy holy spirit also is
Working a true, effective faith,
  In all of the dear delivered:
All those, with a heavenly song,
Lift up praise to thy holy name;
  May there be immortal
      acclaim to thee above.

                 - - - - -
(The Lord's Praises)
We praise thee with a sweet tune,
The great and the glorious Lord,
  The only true and living God:
We bow before thee now,
We worship evermore thy great name;
  Thy name how notable it is!

Oh, how wonderful is the work
Of thy great love and thy vast gifts
  In the salvation of the soul of man!
To deliver man who was the enemy of God,
From captive hell, the worthy Jesus
  Suffered the death of the cross himself!

Thy Holy Spirit also is
Working a true and lively faith
  In everyone who is truly repenting;
All those, with a heavenly song,
Thy lift up praise to thy holy name;
  Let to thee be acclaim forever to endure.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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