Clywch felodedd engyl nef

(Carol Nadolig)
Clywch felodedd engyl nef
  Uwch corlannau'r ŵyn,
Chwyddo wna y gytgan gref,
  Lawn o nefol swyn.

    Heddiw ganwyd Iesu glân
      Yn y preseb grud:
    Uno wnawn mewn llawen gân
      I Waredwr byd.

Cludo wna o'r nefoedd glaer
  Lawr i'r daear wyw,
Newydd da, ar edyn aur,
  I holl ddynol-ryw.
Robert David Rowland (Anthropos) 1853?-1944

Tôn [7575+7575]:
    Clywch felodedd engyl nef (Dr D W Thomas, Birkenhead.)

(Christmas Carol)
Hear the melody of the angels of heaven
  Above the folds of the lambs,
Swell did the strong chorus,
  Full of heavenly charm.

    Today was born holy Jesus
      In the manger crib:
    Let us unite in a joyful song
      To the Deliver of the world.

Convey it did from the clear heavens
  Down to the worthy earth,
Good news, on a thread of gold,
  To all human-kind.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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