Cofia bur orch'mynion Duw, Cadw hwynt yn llawn; Cofia ddal tra byddot byw Yn bur i'r hyn sydd iawn. Bydd yn benderfynol, Ymarfoga'n llawn; Saf fel dyn, pe ond dy hun, Dros yr hyn sydd iawn. Metha llawer yn y byd, Weithio'r dydd yn llawn; Am nod y'nt yn dal o hyd Yn bur i'r hyn sydd iawn. Cwympo'r cedyrn ar ein taith, Lladd y rhwystrau wnawn; Os yn unol wneyd ein gwaith Yn bur i'r hyn sydd iawn. Daliwn faner nef i'r lan, A gorchfygu wnawn; Syrthia'r cryf yn llesg a gwan O flaen yr hyn sydd iawn.cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905
Tôn [7576+6575]: |
Remember the pure commandments of God, Keep them fully; Remember to hold while ever thou art living Purely to that which is right. Be determined, Arm thyself fully; Stand like a man, even if alone, For that which is right. Many in the world fail, To work by day fully; For the aim they are always holding Purely to that which is right. The firm ones will collapse on our journey, Fight the obstacles we shall; If uniting to do our work Purely for that which is right. Let us hold the flag of heaven up, And overcome we shall; The strong shall fall feeble and weak Before that which is 2017 Richard B Gillion |
Standing by a purpose true, Heeding God's command, Honour them, the faithful few! All hail to Daniel's band! Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known. Many mighty men are lost Daring not to stand, Who for God had been a host By joining Daniel's band. Many giants, great and tall, Stalking through the land, Headlong to the earth would fall, If met by Daniel's band. Hold the Gospel banner high! On to vict'ry grand! Satan and his hosts defy, And shout for Daniel's band.1873 Philip P Bliss 1838-76
Tune [7576+6575]: |