Arglwydd cofia'th dosturiaethau
Cofia Dduw dy dosturiaethau

(Psalm 25 - Rhan II - 6-11.
Ymddiried yn nhrugareddau Duw)
Cofia, Dduw, dy dosturiaethau,
A'th drag'wyddol drugareddau;
  Ond na chofia'm beiau enbyd,
  Na phechodau mawr fy ie'ngctid.

Meddwl, Arglwydd Dduw, amdanaf,
'Nol dy rad drugaredd bennaf;
  Ac er mwyn dy fawr ddaioni,
  Arwain fi i wlad goleuni.

Da ac uniawn ydyw'r Iesu,
Ac fe wna o herwydd hynny
  Ddysgu euog feibion dynion
  Yn y ffordd sy dda ac union.

Mewn barn uniawn fe hyffordda
Holl blant llariaidd Duw Jehofa;
  Ac i'r isel, mwyn ei yspryd,
  Dysg y ffordd i diroedd gwynfyd.

'Dyw holl lwybrau Duw'r tangnefedd
Ond trugaredd a gwirionedd;
  I'r rhai gadwant ei gyfammod,
  A'i holl dystiolaethau hyglod.

Arglwydd mawr, er mwyn dy enw,
Maddeu'm bai, can's mawr yw hwnnw;
  Yna rhof it' glod a moliant
  Yma ac y'ngwlad gogoniant.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831
- - - - -
(Psalm 25 - Rhan II - 6-9.
Am faddeuant ac arweiniad)
Cofia, Dduw, dy dosturiaethau,
A'th drag'wyddol drugareddau;
  Ond na chofia gam fy ie'ngctyd,
  Na phechodau mawr fy mywyd.

Meddwl, Arglwydd da, am danaf,
'Nol dy rad drugaredd bennaf;
  Ac er mwyn dy fawr ddaioni,
  Arwain fi i wlad goleuni.

Da ac uniawn ydyw'r Arglwydd,
Ac fe wna yn dra chyfarwydd,
  Ddysgu euog feibion dynion
  Yn y ffordd sy dda ac union.

Mewn barn uniawn fe hyffordda
Holl blant llariaidd Duw Jehofa;
  Ac i'r isel, mwyn ei yspryd,
  Dysg y ffordd i diroedd gwynfyd.
Casgliad Daniel Rees 1837

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Rhan I - I fynu attat Arglwydd da
  Rhan III - Y'mhlith holl luoedd dynol ryw
  Rhan IV - Fy llygaid arnat sydd

(Psalm 25 - Part 2 - 6-11.
Trusting in the mercies of God)
Remember, God, thy compassions,
And thy eternal mercies;
  But do not remember my foolish faults,
  Nor the great sins of my youth.

Think, Lord God, about me,
According to thy chief, free mercy;
  And for the sake of thy great goodness,
  Lead me to the land of light.

Good and upright is Jesus,
And he will because of this
  Teach the guilty sons of men
  In the way which is good an upright.

In upright judgment he will train
All the meek children of God Jehovah;
  And to the lowly, gentle of spirit,
  He will teach the way to the lands of bliss.

All the paths of the God of peace are
Only mercy and truth;
  To those who keep his covenant,
  And all his illustrious testimonies.

Great Lord, for thy name's sake,
Forgive my fault, since great is this;
  Then I will render to thee acclaim and praise
  Here and in the land of glory.
- - - - -
((Psalm 25 - Part 2 - 6-9.
About forgiveness and guidance)
Remember, God, thy compassions,
And thy eternal mercies;
  But do not remember the mistake of my youth,
  Nor the great sins of my life.

Think, good Lord, about me,
According to thy chief, free mercy;
  And for the sake of thy great goodness,
  Lead me to the land of light.

Good and upright is the Lord,
And he will because of this so expertly,
  Teach the guilty sons of men
  In the way which is good and upright.

In upright judgment he will train
All the meek children of God Jehovah;
  And to the lowly, gentle of spirit,
  Teach the way to lands of bliss.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
 6  Thy mercies and thy love,
      O Lord, recall to mind;
    And graciously continue still,
      as thou were ever, kind.

 7  Let all my youthful crimes
      be blotted out by thee;
    And, for thy wondrous goodness sake,
      in mercy think on me.

 8  His mercy and his truth
      the righteous Lord displays,
    In bringing wand'ring sinners home,
      and teaching them his ways.

 9  He those in justice guides
      who his direction seek;
    And in his sacred paths shall lead
      the humble and the meek.

10  Through all the ways of God
      both truth and mercy shine,
    To such as with religious hearts
      to his blest will incline.

11  Since mercy is the grace
      that most exalts thy fame,
    Forgive my heinous sin, O Lord,
      and so advance thy Name.
- - - - -
 6  Thy mercies and thy love,
      O Lord, recall to mind;
    And graciously continue still,
      as thou were ever, kind.

 7  Let all my youthful crimes
      be blotted out by thee;
    And, for thy wondrous goodness sake,
      in mercy think on me.

 8  His mercy and his truth
      the righteous Lord displays,
    In bringing wand'ring sinners home,
      and teaching them his ways.

 9  He those in justice guides
      who his direction seek;
    And in his sacred paths shall lead
      the humble and the meek.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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