Creawdwr mawr y nef

(Moli yr Arglwydd yn ei dŷ)
Creawdwr mawr y nef,
  I'w enw Ef rhown glod,
Am gael cyfarfod yn ei dŷ
  I'w foli îs y rhod.

Ei enw gwerthfawr fu
  Ein tŵr a'n llety clyd:
Fe'n ceidw eto yn ddiball
 Rhag drygau'r fall a'i lid.

Ar fyr cawn lanio fry,
  At deulu dedwydd Duw;
Ac uno gyda'r dyrfa lon
  Sydd ger ei fron yn byw.
Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen a Jones) 1868

Tonau [MB 6686]:
    Ipswich (J J Waite 1808-68)
    Silver Street (Isaac Smith 1784-1805)

(Praising God in his house)
Great Creator of heaven,
  To His name let us render acclaim,
For getting to meet in his house
  To praise him under the sky.

His name was valuable
  Our tower and our cosy lodging:
He will ever keep us unfailingly
  From the evils of the pestilence and its ire.

Shortly we may get to land above,
  To the happy family of God;
And unite with the cheerful throng
  Which is living before him.
tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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