Cydrodiwn lwybrau purdeb

Cydrodiwn lwybrau purdeb
  Yn nyddiau mebyd gwyn;
Mae heddwch ac hyfrydwch
  Ar hyd y llwybrau hyn.
O hyd tywyna arnynt,
  Oleuni'r nef yn glir,
I ddweud eu bod yn arwain
  I yfed y bywyd gwir.

      Hyd lwybrau purdeb mwy;
    Mae hedd a gras yn gwlawio
      Bendithion arnynt hwy.

Cydrodiwn lwybrau purdeb
  Ar ol yr Iesu gwiw;
Cawn gyfarwyddyd perffaith
  Yn sanctaidd eiriau Duw.
Ar hyd y llwybrau hyfryd,
  Ymdeithiwn yn gytun;
Nes ini gyrhaedd adref
  I wynfyd nef ei hun.
William Griffith Owen (Llifon) 1857-1922

Tôn [7676D]: Plaistow (Wesleyan Tune Book 1876)

Tôn [7676D+8686]: m|mmmrmsm m|rmrflss (<1897)

Let us walk together the paths of purity
  In days of white childhood;
There is peace and delight
  Along these paths.
Still shining upon them,
  Is the light of heaven clearly,
To say they are leading
  To drink the true life.

    Let us walk together,
            let us walk together
      Along pure paths henceforth;
    There is peace and grace raining
      Blessings upon them.

Let us walk together the paths of purity
  Behind worthy Jesus;
Let us have perfect instruction
  In the holy words of God.
Along the delightful paths,
  Let us journey in agreement;
Until we arrive home
  To the blessedness of heaven itself.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
Along the paths of virtue
  We spend our youthful days;
For truest peace and pleasure
  Are found in wisdom's ways;
For ever shines upon them,
  Heav'n's clear and gracious light,
Which speaks of life eternal
  Beyond the realms of light.

    Along them
            we travel,
      With joy for ever more;
    For on them grace and glory
      Their richest blessings pour.

Along the paths of virtue
  We follow Jesus' lead;
God's holy word, so precious,
  Gives all the light we need:
And we shall walk together
  In unity and love,
Till we shall cross the river,
  And reach our home above.
William Edwards 1848-1929

Tune [7676D+8686]: m|mmmrmsm m|rmrflss (<1897)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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