Cyfammod hedd a luniwyd

(Y Cyfammod Gras)
Cyfammod hedd a luniwyd
  Yn nhragwyddoldeb pell,
Rhwng Tad, a Mab, ac Ysbryd;
  Nis gall'sai fod yn well:
Cyfammod er achubiaeth
  I euog lwch y llawr:
Mae'n gadarn, wedi ei selio
  A gwaed Messiah mawr.

Cyfammod rhad tragwyddol
  Yw dyfais gras y nef;
Nis gall na byd nac uffern
  Byth ei ddirymu ef;
Pan ddiffydd haul a lleuad,
  Pan losgo daear lâs,
Fe saif y ddyfais ddwyfol
  Yn gryf gyfammod gras.
1: HP
Casgliad Y Parch. D Jones, Treffynnon, 1827.

2: Cas. Y Parch. Roger Edwards, Wyddgrug, Ail Arg., 1849.

Tonau [7676D]:
    Adela (J B Birkbeck)
    Bremen (Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch 1693)
    Ramah (<1876)
    Syria (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)

gwelir: Er tori'r hen gyfammod

(The Covenant of Grace)
The covenant of peace was planned
  In distant eternity,
Between Father, and Son, and Spirit;
  There could be no better:
A covenant for salvation
  For the guilty dust of the ground:
It is firm, sealed
  With the blood of the great Messiah.

A free, eternal covenant
  Is the scheme of heaven's grace;
The world cannot, nor hell,
  Weaken it;
When sun and moon extinguish,
  When the blue-green earth burns,
The divine scheme shall stand
  As a strong covenant of grace.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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