Cyfarwydda wael bererin

("Ffordd dra rhagorol")
Cyfarwydda wael bererin
  Anghyfarwydd ar ei daith;
Ar hyd ffordd ragorol cariad
  Arwain fi trwy'r anial maith;
    N'ad im ŵyro
  'R ochor hyn ar'r ochor draw.

Dal fy nhraed a dal fy llygaid
  Ar y ffordd aeth Iesu ei Hun:
Caru'r saint, er maint eu beiau,
  Dilyn heddwch â phob dyn:
    Pan ddifenwyd,
  Ni ddifenwodd Ef erioed.

Gwisgwn gariad, rhodiwn ynddo;
  Ceisiwn hedd, dilynwn hi:
A maddeuwn bawb i'n gilydd,
  Fel maddeuodd Crist i ni:
    Rhaid yw maddau,
  Neu fod heb faddeuant byth.
Thomas William 1761-1844

Tôn [878747]:
    Ardudwy (J Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)

("The so excellent way")
Train a poor pilgrim
  Untrained on his journey;
Along the road of excellent love
  Lead me through the vast desert;
    Do not let me veer
  To this side or that side.

Keep my feet and keep my eyes
  On the way Jesus Himself went:
Loving the saints, despite their faults,
  Pursuing peace with every man:
      When he was reviled,
  He never reviled.

Let us wear love, let us walk in it;
  Let us seek peace, let us pursue it:
And let us all forgive each other,
  As Christ forgave us:
    Forgiving is necessary,
  Or being without forgiveness forever.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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