Cyn cael cyrhaedd gwlad goleuni

(Mat. xviii. 3.)
Cyn cael cyrhaedd
    gwlad goleuni
  Burwyd oll â nefol dân,
Dywed Crist mai
    rhaid yw geni
  Dyn o newydd oll yn lan;
O hunanol ffrost a balchder
  Dwyn y galon gudd yn iach, -
D'od mewn yspryd o addfwynder
  Oll yn llwyr fel baban bach.

Coethi gwreiddyn dyfna' 'r teimlad,
  Lladd trachwantau o bob rhyw, -
Yn y meddwl, gweyd yn wastad
  "Bach wyf fi a mawr yw Duw:"
Bod fel plentyn gwan yn wirion,
  Heb na dichell,
      twyll, na brad, -
Bod i bawb o'n cylch yn dirion,
  Fel y bu ein Harglwydd mad.

Nefol Dad, yn argraphedig
  Bo dy air ar f'enaid i, -
Dysg fi i gwympo'n ostyngedig
  Fyth o flaen dy fawredd di:
Lladd hunandyb sydd yn dirgel
  Nythu yn y fynwes hon, -
Yn ei le rho fryd i isel
  Blygu'n wastad ger dy fron.

Felly'n addas y derbyniaf
  Gyfraith lan dy deyrnas fwyn,
Ei haddasrwydd ni amheuaf,
  Dan ei baich
      ni roddaf gwyn, -
Ond disgwyliaf am y borau,
  Trwy amynedd dwys a ffydd,
Pan ddaw'n eglur dy drefniadau
  Fel goleuni'r canol ddydd.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831

[Mesur: 8787D]

(Matthew 18:3)
Before getting to reach
    the land of light
  All were purified with heavenly fire,
Christ said that is was
    necessary for a man
  To be born anew all holy;
From selfish boast and pride
  To bring the hidden heart healthily, -
To come with a spirit of gentleness
  All completely like a little baby.

To refine the deepest root of the feeling,
  To kill lusts of every kind, -
In the thought, make constantly
  "Small am I and great is God:"
To be like a weak child innocent,
  Without either guile,
      deceit, or treachery, -
To be to all around us tender,
  As was our esteemed Lord.

Heavenly Father, written
  Be thy word on my soul, -
Teach me to fall humbly
  Forever before thy majesty:
Kill selfishness which is secretly
  Nesting in this bosom, -
In its place give a mind to lowly
  Bow constantly before thee.

Thus worthily I shall receive
  The holy law of thy dear kingdom,
Its suitability I shall not doubt,
  Under its burden
      I shall not give a complaint, -
But I shall wait for the morning,
  Through intense patience and faith,
When the arrangements come clearly
  Like the light of midday.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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