Da wyt i'th dir Jehovah Ner

1,2,((3),5);  1,3,4,5;  1,3,4,6.
Da wyt i'th dir, JEHOVAH Ner,
  Dychwelaist gaethder Iago:
Maddeuast drawsedd
    dy bobl di,
  Mae'u camwedd wedi 'guddio.

Tynnaist dy lid oddi arnom ni;
  Troist dy ddiglloni awchlym:
O Dduw ein nerth, tro ninnau'n well,
  A'th lid bid bell oddi wrthym.

Ai byth y digi wrthym ni?
  A sòri di hyd ddiwedd?
A saif dy lid o oes i oes?
  Duw! gwrandaw, moes drugaredd.

Paham na throi di a'n bywhau,

  A llawenhau yr eiddot?

O! dangos in' dy nawdd mewn pryd,

  Felly cawn iechyd ynot.

I'r rhai a ofnant Arglwydd nef,
 Mae'i iechyd ef yn agos:
Felly y caiff gogoniant hir.
  O fewn ein tir ni aros.
Paham na throi ... ? :: Pam? oni throi ... ?
wedi 'guddio :: wedi'i guddio

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Arenig (Breigel)
Cannon Street (<1825)
Henllan (<1835)
Priestley (<1825)
Saxony (alaw henafol)

Psalm 85
Good art thou to thy land, JEHOVAH Lord,
  Thou didst return the captives of Jacob:
Thou forgavest the transgression
    of thy people,
  Their mistakes have been covered.

Thou didst remove thy anger from us;
  Thou didst turn away thy sharp wrath:
O God our strength, make us better,
  And may thy anger be far from us.

Wilt thou be angry with us forever?
  And wilt thou be indignant until the end?
And will thy anger stand from age to age?
  God, listen, have mercy!

Why wilt thou not turn and revive us,

  And cheer thy own?

Oh show us thy help in time,

  Thus we may have salvation in it.

To those who fear the Sovereign Lord,
  His salvation is near:
Thus may one find glory for a long time.
  Remaining within our land.
Why wilt thou not turn ... ? :: Why? wilt thou not turn ... ?

tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

1 Lord, thou hast granted to thy land
    the favours we implored,
  And faithful Jacob's captive race
    hast graciously restored.

2 Thy people's sins thou hast absolved,
    and all their guilt defaced;
3 Thou hast not let thy wrath flame on,
    nor thy fierce anger last.

4 O God our Saviour, all our hearts
    to thy obedience turn;
  That, quenched with our repenting tears,
    thy wrath no more may burn.

5 For why should'st thou be angry still, 
    and wrath so long retain?
6 Revive us, Lord, and let thy saints
    thy wonted comfort gain.

7 Thy gracious favour, Lord, display,
    which we have long implored;
  And, for thy wondrous mercy's sake,
    thy wonted aid afford.

8 God's answer patiently I'll wait;
    for he with glad success,
  (If they no more to folly turn,)
    his mourning saints will bless.

9 To all that fear his holy Name
    his sure salvation's near;
  And in its former happy state
    our nation shall appear.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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