Daccw('r) hyfryd fan caf drigo
Dacw'r hyfryd fan [caf / ca'i] drigo

(Y Nefoedd)
Dacw'r hyfryd fan
    caf drigo,
  Gwn caf drigo cyn bo hir,
Dros y bryniau oer tymhestlog,
  Yn y sanctaidd hyfryd dir:
    Gwela'n awr foreu wawr
  Glir, o dragwyddoldeb mawr.

Ni gawn yno weld a garwn,
  Mewn gogoniant llawer mwy
Nag ei gwelsom ar y croesbren
  Dan ei farwol ddwyfol glwy';
    Lluoedd mawr sydd yn awr
  Yn ei garu uwch y llawr.

Ni gawn weld a'i carodd yma
  Yn y man yr ochr draw,
Oll yn gwledda ar ei gariad,
  A'u telynau yn eu llaw:
    Oll yn un, a chytûn,
  Molant Dduwdod yn y dyn.

            - - - - -

Dacw'r hyfryd fan
    ca'i drigo,
  Gwn ca'i drigo cyn bo hir,
Draw i'r bryniau oer tymhestlog,
  Yn y sanctaidd hyfryd dir;
    Gwelai'n awr, foreu wawr,
  Glir, o dragwyddoldeb mawr.

O ddwyreindir gras
    mae'n t'wynu,
  Lle mae teml fawr fy Nhad,
Lle mae'r arch,
    a lle mae'r manna,
  Lle mae'r drugareddfa râd;
    Un prydnawn, chwerw gawn,
  Yno wed'yn, diengu wnawn.

Ni gawn yno wel'd a garwn,
  Mewn gogoniant llawer mwy,
Nag y gwelsom E' ar y croesbren,
  Tan ei farwol ddwyfol glwy';
    Lluoedd mawr, sydd yn awr,
  Yn ei garu bob yr awr.

Ni gawn wel'd a'i carodd yma,
  Yn y man yr ochr draw,
Oll yn gwledda ar ei gariad,
  T'lynau euraidd yn eu llaw;
    Oll yn un, a chytun,
  Yn moli'r Duwdod yn y dyn.
Dacw'r hyfryd fan :: Daccw('r) hyfryd fan

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878767]:
Arnsberg (Joachim Neander 1650-80)
Revel (Robert Ellis 1816-93)
Wyddgrug (John A Lloyd 1815-74)

gwelir: Gwelir myrdd o ryfeddodau

Yonder is the delightful place
    I shall get to reside,
  I know I shall get to reside before long,
Over the cold, tempestuous hills,
  In the sacred, delightful land:
    I see now the clear dawn
  Of morn, of the great eternity.

There we shall get to see whom we love,
  In a glory much greater
Than we saw him on the wooden cross
  Under his mortal, divine wound;
    There is a great host who are now
  Loving him higher than the earth.

We shall get to see whom we loved here
  Soon on yonder side,
All feasting on his love,
  With their harps in their hand:
    All as one, and in agreement,
  They shall praise Trinity in the man.

                 - - - - -

Yonder is the delightful place
    where I will get to dwell,
I know I will get to dwell before long,
Beyond the cold, tempestuous hills,
  In the holy, delightful land;
    I see now, the clear, morning
  Dawn, of a great eternity.

From the eastern land of grace
    it is shining,
  Where there is my Father's great temple,
Where there is the ark,
    and where there is the manna,
  Where there is the free mercy-seat;
    One bitter afternoon we shall have,
  Then afterwards, escape we shall.

There we shall get to see and we shall love,
  In glory much more,
Than we saw Him on the wooden cross,
  Under his mortal, divine wound;
    Great hosts, are now,
  Loving him every hour.

We get to see and love him here,
  Soon on yonder side,
All feasting on his love,
  With golden harps in their hand;
    All as one, and in agreement,
  Praising the Divinity in the man.
Yonder is the delightful place :: Yonder is [a/the] delightful place

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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