Dadgan y nefoedd fawredd Duw
Datgan y nefoedd fawredd Duw
Y nef sy'n datgan mawredd Duw

1,2,(3,4),5;  1,2,6,(7,8,9).
SALM 19 - Y grëedigaeth yn dangos gogoniant Duw.
Dadgan y nefoedd fawredd Duw,
  Yr unrhyw gwna'r ffurfafen:
Y dydd i ddydd, a nos i nos,
  Sy'n dangos cwrs y wybren.

Er nad oes ganddynt air nac iaith,
  Da dywed gwaith Duw Lywydd;
Diau nad oes na môr na thir,
  Na chlywir eu lleferydd.

Eu sain a aeth
    trwy'r byd i gyd,
  A'u geiriau byd eithafoedd;
Cyhoeddi maent, ein Crëydd yw
  Jehovah, Duw y lluoedd.

Yr haul a gwyd i seinio'i glod,
  Fel prïod o'i orweddfa;
Ymlawenhâ'n ei waith yn fawr,
  Fel cawr yn rhedeg gyrfa.

O eitha'r nef
    y daw i ma's,
  Bob bore glas yn heini;
I holl drigolion byd
    rhydd wres,
  Er mawrlles, a goleuni.

Dysg yr Arglwydd sydd berffaith ddawn,
  A dry i'r iawn yr enaid,
Felly rhydd ei dystiolaeth wir
  Wybodaeth i'r ffyddloniaid.

Uniawn yw deddfau'r Arglwydd Iôn,
  Llawenant galon ddiddrwg;
A'i orchymyn sydd bur ddiau,
  A golau rydd i'r golwg.

Ofn yr Arglwydd sydd lân, a byth
  Y pery'n ddilyth hyfryd;
Barnau yr Arglwydd sydd wir llawn
  I gyd, a chyfiawn hefyd.

O Arglwydd! fy Mhrynwr a'm nerth,
  Bydded yn brydferth genyd,
Fy 'madrodd, pan ddêl ger dy fron,
  A'm myfyr calon hefyd.
Dadgan/Datgan y nefoedd fawredd :: Y nef sy'n datgan mawredd
a nos i nos :: a'r nos i nos
Dysg yr Arglwydd :: Ond gair Duw Ion
Felly rhydd ei dystiolaeth wir :: Rhydd ei dystiolaeth ddilyth wir

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Elizabeth (<1869)
Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)

Tôn [MSD 8787D]: Affrica (<1835)

  Rhan 2 - Deddf Jehofa perffaith yw
  Rhan 3 - Pwy a ddeall ei gamweddau?

Psalm 19 - The creation showing God's glory.
The heavens declare the greatness of God,
  The same does the firmament:
The day to day and the night to night,
  Show the course of the sky.

Although they have neither word nor language,
  The work of Governor God speaks well;
Doubtless there is no sea nor land,
  Whose speech is not heard.

Their sound has gone out
    through all the world,
  And their words to extremities;
Publishing they are, "Our Creator is
  Jehovah, the God of hosts."

The sun shall rise and sound his praise,
  Like a bridegroom from his resting place;
He will rejoice greatly in his work,
  Like a giant running a course.

From the extremity of heaven
    he shall come out,
  Early every morning sprightly;
To all the inhabitants of the world
    he gives heat,
  For great benefit, and light.

The teaching of the Lord is a perfect gift,
  And it turns to the right the soul,
Thus his true testimony grants
  Knowledge to the faithful.

Upright are the laws of the Sovereign Lord,
  They cheer the sincere heart;
And his command which is pure doubtless,
  And grants light to the sight.

The fear of the Lord is clean, and ever
  Will endure unfailingly delightful;
The Lord's judgements are truly full
  Altogether, and righteous also.

O Lord, my Redeemer and my strength,
  May beautiful to thee be
My utterance, when it comes before thee,
  And the meditation of my heart also.
The heavens declare the greatness :: Heaven is declaring the greatness
and night to night :: and the night to night
Dysg yr Arglwydd :: Ond gair Duw Ion
Felly rhydd ei dystiolaeth wir :: Rhydd ei dystiolaeth ddilyth wir

tr. 2011,15 Richard B Gillion

 1 The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord,
     which that alone can fill;
   The firmament and stars express
     their great Creator's skill. 

 2 The dawn of each returning day
     fresh beams of knowledge brings;
   From darkest night's successive rounds
     divine instruction springs. 

 3 Their pow'rful language
       to no realm
     or region is confined;
   'Tis nature's voice, and understood
     alike by all mankind.

 4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense
     through earth's extent display;
   Whose bright contents the circling sun
     does round the world convey.

 5 No bridegroom, for his nuptials dressed,
     has such a cheerful face;
   No giant does like him rejoice
     to run his glorious race. 

 6  From east to west, from west to east,
       his restless course he goes;
    And through his progress cheerful light
       and vital warmth bestows. 

 7 God's perfect law converts the soul,
     reclaims from false desires;
   With sacred wisdom his sure word
     the ignorant inspires. 

 8 The statutes of the Lord are just,
     and bring sincere delight;
   His pure commands, in search of truth,
     assist the feeblest sight. 

 9 His perfect worship here is fixed,
     on sure foundations laid;
   His equal laws are in the scales
     of truth and justice weighed. 

14 So shall my pray'r and praises be
     with thy acceptance blest;
   And I, secure on thy defence,
     my strength and Saviour, rest.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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