Daeth ataf hyfryd lais

  Daeth ataf hyfryd lais,
    Gwahoddiad Iesu mawr,
  Pereiddiach oedd ei gais
    Na swynion
        pena'r llawr!
Gan adael ffyrdd pob pleser ffol
Dilynaf heddyw ar ei ol.

  O'n blaen ein Ceidwad cu,
    Drwy ddyfrllyd fedd a aeth!
  A'i enaid pur a fu
    Dan donau ing yn gaeth!
Yn nerth ei ras dymunaf ddod
I fyw yn gyflawn er ei glod.

  Yn awyr iach ei groes,
    Dymunaf fyw yn llawn,
  O! cuddier
      beiau f'oes
    Dan gysgod dwyfol Iawn!
Fy medydd fo'n bortread byw
O'm llwyr gysegriad byth i Dduw.
O'n blaen ein :: O'm blaen fy

Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tonau [MCD 8686D]:
Alun (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Beverley (alaw Seisnig)

  A delightful voice came to me,
    The invitation of great Jesus,
  Sweeter was its request
    Than the chief
        enchantments of the earth!
Leaving the ways of every foolish pleasure
I will follow today after him.

  Before us our dear Saviour,
    Through a watery grave he went!
  And his pure soul was
    Under waves of anguish captive!
In the strength of his grace I wish to come
To live fully for his praise.

  In the healthy air of his cross,
    I wish to live fully,
  Oh, the sins of my lifespan
      are to be covered
    Under the shadow of divine Surety!
May my baptism be a living portrait
Of my complete consecration forever to God.
Before us our :: Before me my

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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