Daeth Crist o'r bedd i fyny'n fyw

Daeth Crist o'r bedd i fyny'n fyw,
  Er marwol friw, O canwn!
Yn mysg y meirw mwy nid yw;
  Ein bywyd ydyw, canwn!

Mae pob awdurdod ganddo Ef
  Trwy'r ddae'r a'r nef,
         O canwn!
Ei fraich achubol sydd yn gref;
  Moliannwn Ef, a chanwn!

Nid allodd angeu'i ddal yn gaeth,
  Yn rhydd y daeth, O canwn!
Y bedd ac uffern 'speilio wnaeth;
  Ei fuddugoliaeth ganwn.

Mae agoriadau rhai'n i gyd
  'Nawr ganddo hefyd, canwn!
Ein Priod yw Iachawdwr byd;
  Gall gadw'n bywyd, canwn!
Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

[Mesur: 8787(+4)]

Christ came up from the grave alive,
  Despite a mortal wound, O let us sing!
Amongst the dead he is not;
  Our life he is, let us sing!

All authority He has
  Throughout the earth and heaven,
        O let us sing!
His saving arm is strong;
  Let us praise Him, let us sing!

Death could not keep him captive,
  Free he came, O let us sing!
The grave and hell he did despoil;
  His victory let us sing!

All their keys
  Now belong to him also, let us sing!
Our Spouse is Saviour of a world;
  He can keep in life, let us sing!
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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