Daeth eto fore Saboth

(Bore Saboth)
Daeth eto fore Saboth,
  Boed arnom yn dy dŷ
Brydferthwch dy sancteiddrwydd
  A'r lewyrch oddi fry;
Dy air y bore cyntaf
  Aeth drwy y gwagle'n wawr
Tywynna arnom ninnau,
  O Arglwydd, yma'n awr.

Daeth eto fore Saboth,
  O Iesu, rho i ni
Gael blas ar wrando'r ddameg,
  Fel gynt ar lan y lli;
Awelon Galilea
  Fo'n cerdded drwy ein gwlad;
Bydd di'n dy eiriau heddiw,
  O annwyl Fab y Tad.

Daeth eto fore Saboth,
  Rho inni, Ysbryd Glān,
Gael profi nerthoedd Salem
  A grym tafodau tān;
Achubwyd yno dyrfa
  Drwy werth yr aberth mawr,
O achub filoedd heddiw
  Dros wyneb daear lawr.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Telyn y Cristion 1903

Tonau [7676D]:
Ellacombe (Württemburg Gesangbuch 1784)
Penlan (David Jenkins 1848-1915)

(Sabbath Morning)
A Sabbath morning has come again,
  May there be upon us in thy house
The beauty of thy holiness
  And the radiance from above;
May thy word, that on the first day
  Came through the void as a dawn,
Shine upon us too,
  O Lord, here now.

A Sabbath morning has come again,
  O Jesus, grant to us
To get a taste of hearing the parable,
  As of old by the shore of the tide;
The breezes of Galilee
  Be walking through our land;
Be thou in thy words today,
  O beloved Son of the Father.

A Sabbath morning has come again,
  Grant to us, Holy Spirit,
To get to experience Jerusalem's powers
  And the force of tongues of flame;
Then a crowd were saved
  Through the worth of the great sacrifice,
O save thousands today
  Across the face of earth below.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
(Sabbath Morning)
Another Sabbath morning
  And gathered in your sight,
Reveal your holy presence,
  The beauteous heavenly light;
As on the first of mornings
  Your word rang loud and clear,
Let light now shine upon us
  As we are waiting here.

Another Sabbath morning,
  O Jesus, may we be
Attentive as your hearers
  Of old by Galilee;
Come now and walk among us
  And claim both heart and mind,
That this our generation
  Their Saviour's love may find.

Another Sabbath morning,
  O Spirit, fill us now,
With Pentecostal power,
  As here in prayer we bow;
Three thousand souls delivered,
  The dead to life were raised;
Come win new hearts for Jesus,
  On earth his name be praised!
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

Tune [7676D]:
Ellacombe (Württemburg Gesangbuch 1784)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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