Daeth Iesu Grist o'r nefol dir

(Crist yn Bendithio'r Byd)
Daeth Iesu Grist o'r nefol dir
  Â llond ei galon fwyn
O gariad at drigolion llawr,
  A marw er eu mwyn.

'Rôl gorffen ar ei boenus waith,
  Esgynnodd fry mewn hedd,
Gan lwyr fendithio'r plant
    oedd drist.
  A bywyd yn ei wedd.

Coleddu a bendithio'r saint
  Yw ei hyfrytaf waith;
Ni threulia ' stôr
    y fendith fawr
  I dragwyddoldeb maith.
'Rôl :: 'Nôl

Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Brooklyn (L Mason 1792-1872)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
Otford (<1811)
Richmond (Thomas Haweis 1734-1820)
St Leonard (Henry Smart 1813-79)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

(Christ Blessing the World)
Jesus Christ came from the heavenly land
  With his tender heart full
Of love for the inhabitants below,
  And died for their sakes.

After finishing his painful work,
  He ascended up in peace,
While completely blessing the children
    who were sad,
  With life in his countenance.

Nurturing and blessing the saints
  Is his most delightful work;
He will not use up his great
    store of blessing
  For a long eternity.

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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