Daeth Llywydd nef a llawr

(Duw yn y cnawd)
1,2,3,((4),5);  1,(2),4,5;  1,2,6,7.
  Daeth Llywydd nef a llawr
    I wisgo dynol gnawd;
  Wel, henffych Arglwydd mawr!
    A henfych dirion Frawd!
Henffych i Dduw a'n Ceidwad hael,
A gym'rodd arno'n natur wael.

  Mewn cnawd i'n tynu'n rhydd
    Daeth y tragwyddol Air;
  Wel, henffych fyth i'r dydd
    Y ganwyd Ef o Fair:
O'i râs fe ddaeth
      o uchder ne',
I brofi'r lladdfa yn ein lle.

  I groth y wyryf wan,
    I garchar, ac i'r bedd,
  Y daeth Ef ar ein rhan,
    I haeddu gras a hedd:
Mewn ing a loes ar Galfari,
Agoryd wnaeth y nef i ni.

  Pa dafod, neu pa Ddawn,
    A fedd angelaidd lu,
  A ddywed byth yn llawn
    Am ras ein Ceidwad cu?
Ei waed fe rodd, o'i gariad gwiw,
I gànu'r lleiddiaid
     dua'u lliw.

  Mae cariad yn ei wedd
    At wael golledig fyd;
  Cyfiawnder llym a hedd
    Yn ymgusanu 'nghyd;
Trugaredd a gwirionedd pur
Yn ymddysgleirio yn ei gur.

  Canmolwn râs yr Oen,
    Cyfoethog Frenhin nen,
  A ddaeth yn dlawd o'i fodd,
    Heb le i roi lawr ei ben:
Trwy'i dlodi Ef
      caiff myrdd diri'
Dragwyddol gyfoeth nefoedd fry.

  Cawn gysgu'r felys hun,
    Heb deimlo gwŷn na gwae,
  Nes dêl Archangel Duw
    I'n deffro a'n bywhau:
Ein cyrph yn anllygredig fydd,
Yn more'r adgyfodiad ddydd.

           - - - - -

  Daeth Llywydd nef a llawr
    I wisgo dynol gnawd;
  Hosanna, Arglwydd mawr,
    A henfych well, ein Brawd!
Clodforwn Dduw a'n Ceidwad hael,
A welwyd yn y preseb gwael.

  Mewn cnawd i'n tynnu'n rhydd
    Daeth y tragwyddol Air;
  O henffych well i'r dydd
    Y ganed Ef o Fair!
Clodforwn Dduw a'n Ceidwad hael,
A welwyd yn y preseb gwael.

  Pa dafod, neu pa Ddawn,
    A fedd angelaidd lu,
  A draetha byth yn llawn
    Am ras ein Ceidwad cu?
Clodforwn Dduw a'n Ceidwad hael,
A welwyd yn y preseb gwael.

  Mae cariad yn ei wedd
    At wael golledig fyd;
  Cyfiawnder llym a hedd
    Yn ymgusanu 'nghyd;
Clodforwn Dduw a'n Ceidwad hael,
A welwyd yn y preseb gwael.

           - - - - -

  Daeth Llywydd nef a llawr
    I wisgo dynol gnawd;
  Hosanna, Arglwydd mawr,
    A henfych dirion Frawd!
Henffych i'n Dduw a'n Ceidwad hael,
Cymerodd arno'n natur gwael.

  Mewn cnawd, i'n rhoddi'n rhydd
    Daeth y tragwyddol Air;
  Wel, henffych byth i'r dydd
    Y ganwyd ef o Fair:
O'i ras fe ddaeth
      o uchder ne'
I brofi'r lladdfa yn ein lle.

  I wisgo natur wan,
    I angau ac i'r bedd,
  Y daeth ef ar ein rhan,
    I haeddu gras a hedd:
Mewn ing a loes, ar Galfari,
Agorwyd wnaeth y nef i ni.
Thomas Jones 1756-1820

Tonau [666688]:
Alun (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Beverley (The Psalms of David 1791)
Dudley (Edward Francis Rimbault 1816-76)
Gopsal (George Frederick Handel 1685-1759)
Gwladys (William Tans'ur 1700-83)
Hollybourne (H Smart 1813-79)
Ketley (<1825)
Magdalen (<1876)
Waterstock (John Goss 1800-80)
Wesley (Samuel S Wesley 1810-76)

  I enw'r Iesu mawr
  Mae cariad yn ei wedd
  Pa dafod neu pa Ddawn?

(God in the flesh)
  The Governor of heaven and earth came
    To wear human flesh;
  Well, hail, great Lord!
    And hail tender Brother!
Hail to God and our generous Saviour,
Who took upon himself our base nature.

  In flesh to pull us free
    Came the eternal Word;
  Well, hail forever to the day
    He was born of Mary:
From his grace he came
      from the height of heaven,
To taste the slaughter in our place.

  To the womb of the weak virgin,
    To prison, and to the grace,
  He came on our behalf,
    To merit grace and peace:
In anguish and throes on Calvary,
Open was heaven made for us.

  What tongue, or what Talent,
    Which a heavenly hosts possesses,
  Shall ever tell fully
    Of the grace of our dear Saviour?
His blood he gave, from his worthy love,
To bleach the murderers
      blackest their colour.

  There is love in his countenance
    Towards a wretched, lost world;
  Keen righteousness and peace
    Kissing one another;
Pure mercy and love
Radiating in his pain.

  Let us praise the grace of the Lamb,
    The rich King of the sky,
  Who came poor, of his own volition,
    With nowhere to lay down his head:
Through His poverty
      an unnumbered myriad will get
The eternal wealth of heaven above.

  We may get to sleep the sweet slumber,
    Without feeling complaint or woe,
  Until God's Archangel come
    To awaken us and revive us:
Our bodies incorruptible shall be,
In the morn of the resurrection day.

                 - - - - -

  The Governor of heaven and earth came
    To wear human flesh;
  Hosanna, great Lord,
    And all hail, our Brother!
Let us praise God and our generous Saviour,
Who was seen in the poor manger.

  In flesh to pull us free
    Came the eternal Word;
  O all hail to the day
    He was born of Mary!
Let us praise God and our generous Saviour,
Who was seen in the poor manger.

  What tongue, or what Talent,
    Which a heavenly hosts possesses,
  Shall ever tell fully
    Of the grace of our dear Saviour?
Let us praise God and our generous Saviour,
Who was seen in the poor manger.

  There is love in his countenance
    Towards a wretched, lost world;
  Keen righteousness and peace
    Kissing one another;
Let us praise God and our generous Saviour,
Who was seen in the poor manger.

                 - - - - -

  The Governor of heaven and earth came
    To wear human flesh;
  Hosanna, great Lord,
    And hail tender Brother!
Hail to our generous God and Saviour,
Who took upon him our poor nature.    

  In flesh, to set us free
    Came the eternal Word;
  See, hail forever to the day
    He was born of Mary:
Of his grace he came
      from the height of heaven
To experience the slaughter in our place.

  To wear a weak nature,
    To death and to the grave,
  He came on our behalf,
    To merit grace and peace:
In anguish and throes, on Calvary,
Open he did heaven to us.
tr. 2015,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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