Daeth teg bechadures yn wylaidd ei gwedd, I'r ty lle'r oedd Iesu, i stafell y wledd; Nid gwychder y neuadd a'i denai yn awr, Wrth draed y Gwaredwr y syrthiodd i lawr. O! ddyfnder trugaredd Gwaredwr y byd! Maddeuodd i Mair, mae yn maddeu o hyd. Y gwahoddedigion edrychent mewn gŵg - Halogi'r ystafell gan wraig oedd mor ddrwg; Cenfigen a lanwai'u calonau yn awr, Heb weled yr aberth wnai cariad mor fawr. Ni welid, ni chlywid, ond Iesu gan hon, Ei dagrau lefarai ddwys deimlad ei bron; Ni fynai gyfodi ei golwg o'r llawr, I nefoedd ei lygaid - i burdeb mor fawr. Yn berwi gan gariad yr Iesu'r oedd hi, Dros ei gruddiau'r ymderiglai ei dagrau yn lli', Ei mynwes yn llawn, a'i gwefusau ynghyd Yn gwasgu sandalau Gwaredwr y byd. Yr Iesu droes ati yn raslawn ei wedd, Fel haul ar yr eira, fel enfys yr hedd, Ei haml bechodau faddeuoedd efe, A Mair a aeth allan yn harddwch y ne'.efel. (a'r Gydgan) John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77 |
The fair sinner came, her face reverent, To the house where Jesus was, to the room of the feast; Not the brilliance of the hall was attracting her now, At the feet of the Deliverer she fell down. O the depths of the mercy of the Deliverer of the world! He forgave Mary, he is forgiving still. The guests looked with a frown - Defiling the room by a woman who was so evil; Jealousy would fill their hearts now, Without seeing the sacrifice, that love would make, so great. Not seen, not heard, but Jesus by this, Her tears would speak the intense feeling of her breast; She would not insist on lifting her sight from the floor, To heaven here eyes - to purity so great. Boiling with the love of Jesus she was, Across her cheeks would run her tears as a flood, Her bosom full, and her lips together Pressing the sandals of the Deliverer of the world. Jesus turned towards her, his face gracious, Like sun on the snow, like the rainbow of peace, Her manifold sins he forgave, And Mary went out in the beauty of heaven.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |