Daeth yr awr i'r Addfwyn Iesu

Daeth yr awr i'r Addfwyn Iesu
  Droi yn ôl i dŷ Ei Dad;
Daeth yr awr i'w ogoneddu,
  Wedi prynu ein rhyddhad;
Awn i Frenin y brenhinoedd
  Ddringo Bryn Ei farwol loes;
Awr i holl fwyriadau'r nefoedd
  Gydgyfargod wrth y Groes.

Daeth yr awr i'w gariad selio
  Y cyfamod fry a wnaed;
Daeth yr awr i'r creigiau wylo
  Dan ddefnynnau pur Ei waed;
Awr cymodi byd aflonydd
  Yn Ei aberth iawnol Ef;
Awr i ganu anthem newydd
  Ar delynnau aur y nef.

Daeth yr awr, ac ni fydd eisiau
  Croes i'r Iesu mawr drachefn;
Daeth yr awr i daflu beiau
  Euog fyd tu ôl i'w gefn;
Drwy ehangder Ei lywodraeth,
  Wedi'r fuddugoliaeth fawr,
O'i ddigonol iachawdwriaeth
  Daw bendithion fyrdd i lawr.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: 8787D]

The hour came for the Gentle Jesus
  To turn back to His Father's house;
Came the hour for him to be glorified,
  Having purchased our freedom;
An hour for the King of kings
  To climb the Hill of His mortal anguish;
And hour for all the purposes of heaven
  To meet together at the Cross.

The hour came for his love to seal
  The covenant which was made above;
The hour came for the rocks to weep
  Under the pure drops of His blood;
An hour to reconcile an uneasy world
  In His ransoming sacrifice;
And hour to sing a new anthem
  On the golden harps of heaven.

The hour came, and there shall be no need
  Of a cross for great Jesus over again;
The hour came to cast the sins
  Of a guilty world behind his back;
Through the breadth of His government,
  After the great victory,
From his sufficient salvation
  Shall come a myriad blessings down.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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