Daethum trwy afonydd dyfnion

(Gofal Rhagluniaeth)
Daethum trwy afonydd dyfnion,
  Gwyllta'u natur îs y nen,
Pan oedd tònau mawr yn rhuo,
  Fel y moroedd uwch fy mhen;
    Ti dy hunan,
  Oedd a safodd o fy mhlaid.

Fe'm llyncasid gan fy ngofid,
  Oni buasai'th fod dy hun
Yn rhoi goleu ar fy llwybyr,
  Ac yn sefyll wrth fy nghlun;
    Gwela'n eglur
  Try nghustuddau oll yn wîn.

Ar y dibyn bûm yn chwareu,
  'Lawr fe aethai'm henaid gwàn,
Nid oedd bossibl imi g'odi
  Byth o'r dyfnder hwnw i'r làn:
    Iesu, Iesu,
  Ti sy'n trefnu'r oll Dy Hun.

Rhaid oedd bod rhagluniaeth ddistaw,
  Rhaid oedd bod
      rhyw arfaeth gref,
Yn fy rhwymo, heb im' wybod,
  Wrth golofnau pur y nef:
    O Ragluniaeth!
  Ti sy'n trefnu'r ddaear faith.

Yn y wlad 'r wy'n myned iddi,
  Mi gaf ddianc ar fy mhoen, -
Gorphwys byth tu draw i ofid,
  Yn nghymdeithas Duw a'r Oen;
    Ni ddaw tristwch,
  Byth i mewn tros fryniau'r nef.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 878747]

  Boed fy mywyd oll yn ddiolch
  Tyred hyfrd foreu tawel

(The Care of Providence)
I came through deep waters,
  Their nature got wild under the sky,
And great waves were roaring,
  Like the seas above my head;
    Thou thyself,
  Wast standing on my side.

I would have been swallowed by my grief,
  If thou had not been thyself
Giving light on my path,
  And standing my my thigh;
    To see clearly
  Turning afflictions all into wine.

On the cliff I was playing,
  Down would have gone my weak soul,
It was not possible for me to rise
  Ever up from those depths:
    Jesus, Jesus,
  Thou are ordaining all Thy Self.

It was necessary for providence to be quiet,
  It was necessary for there to be
      some strong purpose,
Binding me, without my knowing,
  To the pure pillars of heaven:
    O Providence!
  Thou art ordaining the vast earth.

In the land I am going to,
  I will get to escape from my pain, -
To rest forever beyond grief,
  In the fellowship of God and the Lamb;
    Sadness will not come,
  Ever ever within over the hills of heaven.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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