Daioni Duw sydd yn ddigêl
Tosturi Duw sydd yn ddi-gel

(Duw yn porthi Dyn)
Daioni Duw sydd yn ddigêl,
  A'i gariad fel y môr;
Edrychodd ar trueiniaid gwan
  O'i lys - anfeidrol Iôr!

Pryd hau a medi roddodd Duw -
  Mor dirion yw i'r byd!
Ei hen gyfamod gyda dyn,
  Mewn hedd, sy'r un o hyd.

Dyrchafwn glodydd pur yn awr
  I'w enw mawr dilyth,
A cheisiwn oll,
    trwy ras ein Nêr,
  Y bara bery byth!

- - - - -
Daioni Duw sydd yn ddigêl, A'i gariad fel y môr; Fe edrych ar drueiniaid gwan O'i lys, anfeidrol Iôr. Pryd hau a medi roddes Duw - Mor dirion yw i'r byd! Ei hen gyfamod Ef â dyn, Mewn hedd sy'n un o hyd. Er mor annheilwng ydym ni Eleni o'th rad ras, Gofala drosom, Geidwad da, Bendithia gnwd y maes. Y clod am hyn a rown bob awr I'th enw mawr di-lyth, O! dyro in, O! Arglwydd cu, Y bara bery byth.
O! Arglwydd cu :: ein Harglwydd cu
- - - - -
(Diolch am gynhauaf)
Tosturi Duw sydd yn ddi-gel,
  A'i gariad fel y môr;
Gwrandawodd gŵyn
    trueiniaid gwan
  O'i lys, anfeidrol Ior.

Er mor annheilwng oeddym ni
  Eleni yn ei law,
Arbedodd ef, caed bwyd i ddyn,
  Fe droes y newyn draw!

O'i dirion law y gwlaw a'r gwlith
  Ai'n fendith
      i'r holl fyd;
Ei hen gyfammod gyda dyn
  Mewn hedd sy'r un o hyd.

A chalon glau dychwelwn glod
  Yn lân i'r Bôd dilyth,
A cheisiwn oll
    o ras ein Ner
  Y Bara bery byth.
anadnabyddus / unknown

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (F Barthélémon / R Simpson)
Dale (Isaac Phillips)
Dundee/French (Sallwyr Ravenscroft 1615)
Lincoln (Sallwyr Ravenscroft 1621)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke 1668-1707)

(God feeding Man)
The goodness of God is unconcealed,
  And his love like the sea;
He looked upon weak wretches
  From his court - immeasurable Lord!

A time of sowing and reaping God gave -
  How tender he is to the world!
His ancient covenant with man,
  In peace, is the same always.

Let us raise pure praises now
  to his great, unfailing name!
And let us all seek,
    through the grace of our Master,
  The bread which lasts forever!

- - - - -
The goodness of God is unconcealed, And his love like the sea; He looks upon weak wretches From his court, an infinite Lord. A time of sowing and reaping God gave - So tender he is to the world! His ancient covenant with man, In peace is the same still. Although so unworthy are we This year of thy free grace, Take care of us, good Saviour, Bless the crop of the field. The praise for this we shall give every hour To thy great unfailing name, O give to us, O dear Lord, The bread that lasts forever!
O dear Lord :: Our dear Lord
- - - - -
(Thanks for harvest)
The mercy of God is unconcealed,
  And his love like the sea;
The immeasurable Lord
    listened to the complaint
  Of weak wretches, from his court.

Although so unworthy were we
  This year in his hand,
He saved, there is food for man,
  He turned yonder famine!

From his tender hand the rain and the dew
  Would go as a blessing
      to the whole world;
His ancient covenant with man
  In peace is the same always.

With a ready heart let us return praise
  Purely to the unfailing Being!
And let us all seek
    from the grace of our Master
  The Bread which lasts forever!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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