Dal fi (Er fy ngelynion aml eu rhi)

(Goruchafiaeth croes Crist)
    Dal fi,
Er fy ngelynion aml eu rhi,
A'm golwg tua Chalfari,
  A gwrando cri fy enaid gwan,
Mewn gorthrymderau o bob rhyw:
  Trwy allu Duw y dof i'r lan.

    Nef, nef,
Yw llewyrch gras ei wyneb Ef,
A chymhorth ei ddeheulaw gref;
  O flaen ei lef rhyfeddol yw,
Ffy holl fyddinoedd uffern fawr:
  Trwy ras wyf 'nawr hyd yma'n fyw.

    Ef, Ef,
Yw f'unig noddfa dan y nef,
Yng ngwyneb gallu uffern gref,
  Ac onid e, fy enaid gwiw
Soddasai yn y ffos i lawr:
  Ond d'wedaf 'nawr, wyf eto'n fyw.

- - - - - 1,2,(3).
Dal fi, Er fy ngelynion aml ri', A'm 'golwg tua Chalfari, A gwrando gri fy enaid gwan, Er gorthrymderau o bob rhyw, Trwy allu Duw y dof i'r lan. Dy wedd A leinw f'enaid llesg â hedd, Nes llyncu ofnau caeth y bedd; A dyma wledd i enaid trist, Cael teimlo rhin ei farwol loes, Yn ngolwg croes fy Mhrynwr Crist. Yr Oen Aeth dan fy mhenyd a fy mhoen, Ni thawaf byth am dano sôn; Ei gariad tirion fydd fy nghân, Am achub un mor wael ei lun, A'm tynu'i hun o'r gyneu dân.
Dy wedd :: Ei wedd
leinw f'enaid llesg :: leinw f'enaid gwan
teimlo rhin ei farwol :: golwg ar ei angeu
Yn ngolwg croes fy Mhrynwr ::    
    Ac ar y groes ogoniant

Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tonau [288.888]:
Danville (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Golgotha (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Trawsfynydd (alaw Gymreig)
William (M Ll Owen 1891-1918)
Wurtemburg (<1875)

  Mae mae (Y dydd yn d'od i'r duwiol rai)
  Yn lle yn lle (Pob perchen enaid dan y ne')

(The Supremacy of the cross of Christ)
    Hold me,
Although my enemies are numerous,
With my sight towards Calvary,
  And listen to my weak soul's cry,
In oppressions of every kind:
  Through the power of God I shall come up.

    Heaven, heaven,
Is the radiance of the grace of His face,
And the help of his strong right hand;
  Before his cry wonderful it is,
All the armies of great hell shall flee:
  Through grace I am thus far alive.

    He, He,
Is my only refuge under heaven,
In the face of the power of strong hell,
  Otherwise, my worthy soul
Would have sunk down in the ditch:
  But now I say, I am still alive.

- - - - -  
Hold me, Despite my numerous enemies, With my sight towards Calvary, And listen to my weak soul's cry, Despite the oppressions of every kind, Through the power of God I shall come up. Thy countenance Shall fill my feeble soul with peace, Until swallowing the grave's captive fears; And here is a feast for my sad soul, To get to feel the virtue of his mortal anguish, In the sight of the cross of my Redeemer Christ. The Lamb Went under my penalty and my pain, I will never be silent from mentioning him; His tender love shall be my song, For saving one of so poor a condition, And pulling me himself from the blazing fire.
Thy countenance :: His countenance
Shall fill my feeble soul :: Shall fill my weak soul
to feel the virtue of his mortal :: a sight of his deathly
In the sight of the cross of my Redeemer ::    
    And on the glorious cross of

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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