Dan adain dy gariad my ganaf

(Salm lxi. 4. "Dan Orchudd dy Adenydd.")
Dan adain dy gariad my ganaf
  Yng nghanol tymhestloedd y byd;
Yn heddwch dy glwyfau ymguddiaf
  Nes peidio o'r gwyntoedd i gyd;
Mae rym y cyfamod i'm cadw,
  Mae cysgod y groes imi'n hedd:
Dros euog fel fi buost farw,
  Dros feirwon Ti
      godaist o'r bedd.

Dan adain dy gariad arhosaf
  Nes myned o'r nefoedd â'm bryd;
Ar degwch ei thiroedd
    y cadwaf
  Fy ngolwg yn dawel o hyd;
Caniadau y dorf waredigol
  A ddysgaf dan
      orchudd dy ras;
Ac wedi mynd adre'n ddihangol
  Bydd canu'n fwy peraidd ei flas.
Griffith Pennar Griffiths (Penar) 1860-1918

Tôn [9898D]: Elliot (John Ellis )

(Psalm 61:4. "Under the Cover of thy Wings.")
Under the wings of thy love I shall sing
  In the midst of the world's tempests;
In the peace of thy wounds I will hide
  Until all the winds cease;
The power of the covenant is to keep me,
  The shadow of the cross is peace to me:
For a guilty one like me thou didst die,
  For dead ones thou didst
      rise from the grave.

Under the wings of thy love I will stay
  Until taking my mind from heaven;
On the fairness of its territories
    I will keep
  My gaze quietly always;
The songs of the delivered throng
  I will learn under the
      cover of thy grace;
And having gone home safe
  Singing shall be of sweeter taste.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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