Dan/Tàn fy maich yr wyf yn griddfan

(Dysgwyl am ryddhad)
Tan fy maich yr wyf yn griddfan,
  Dysgwyl amser o ryddhau;
Dysgwyl i 'mhechodau dreulio,
  Etto 'mhechod sy'n parhau;
Dysgwyl câf gasineb hollol,
  Caria f'addunedau'r dydd,
Etto finnau yn y gadwyn,
  Ac yn methu myn'd yn rhydd.

O na chlywn yr udgorn arian
  Yn cyhoeddi'n eglur iawn,
Bellach i fy enaid llwythog
  Heddwch a maddeuant llawn:
O na ddeuai nerth i waered,
  Fel llifeiriant mawr ei rym,
Fel nad allai'm nwydau penaf
  Mwyach ti wrthsefyll ddim.

Tòr y rhwydau sy gan Satan,
  Llosg gadwyni yn y tân;
Dyred, argyhoeddiad nerthol,
  Difa 'mhechod o dy flaen:
Delled peraidd heddwch yntau,
  Nes gorchfyga melys chwant,
Nes bo 'mai trwy bob rhyw foddion
  Felly yn diflanu i bant.

             - - - - -

Tan fy maich yr wyf yn griddfan,
  Dysgwyl amser i ryddhau;
Dysgwyl fy mhechodau dreulio,
  Etto mhechod sy'n parhau;
Dysgwyl caf gasineb hollol,
  Carief fy addunedau i'r dydd;
Etto finnau yn y gadwyn,
  Ac yn methu myn'd yn rhydd.

O na chlywn yr udgorn arian,
  Ryw bryn yn rhoi bloedd i ma's,
Ac yn cyhoeddi i f'enaid llwythog,
  Heddwch a maddeuol ras:
O na ddeuai nerth i wared,
  Fel llifeiriant mawr ei rym,
Fel na allai'm nwydau pennaf,
  Bellach i'w wrth-sefyll ddim.

Mi ro'wn fydoedd maith, pe meddwn,
  Am gael gweled torri lawr
Bethau sy'n myn'd â meddwl
  Mil o weithiau yn yr awr:
Trais a gorchest sydd ar fy yspryd,
  Cryf yw'm gelyn, minnau'n wan,
Addfwyn Oen, yn fuan brysia,
  Help fi o'r pydew hyn i'r lan.
William Williams 1717-911

Tonau [8787D]:
Bodawen (alaw Gymreig)
Engedi (J E Jones 1856-1927)
Jersey (<1869)
Trefaldwyn (John Owen 1821-83)
Trowbridge (<1825)

gwelir: O na chlywn yr utgorn arian

(Expecting freedom)
Under my burden I am groaning,
  Expecting a time of freedom;
Expecting my sins to wear out,
  Still my sins are enduring;
Expecting I shall get complete hatred,
  My vows shall carry the day,
Still I am in the chain,
  And failing to go free.

O that I would hear the silver trumpet
  Announcing very clearly,
Henceforth for my burdened soul
  Peace and full forgiveness:
O that strength would come down,
  Like a stream of great force,
That I my chief lust may not
  Any more withstand thee at all.

Break the snares that Satan has,
  Burn chains in the fire;
Come, thou strong conviction,
  Destroy my sin before thee:
Let sweet peace itself come,
  Until overcoming sweet desire,
Until my fault by all means
  Thus vanish away.

                 - - - - -

Under my burden I am groaning,
  Expecting a time of freedom;
Expecting my sins to wear out,
  Still my sins are enduring;
Expecting I shall get complete hatred
  That my vows shall carry the day;
Still I am in the chain,
  And failing to go free.

O that I would hear the silver trumpet,
  Some time giving out a shout,
And announcing to my burdened soul,
  Peace and forgiving grace:
O that strength would come to deliver,
  Like a stream of great force,
That my chief lusts would
  No longer withstand it at all.

I would give vast worlds, if I possessed them,
  To get to see the breaking down
Of things that take my thought
  A thousand times an hour:
Violence and defeat are upon my spirit,
  Strong is my enemy, whereas I am weak,
Gentle Lamb, soon hurry,
  Help me up from this pit.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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