Daw amser braf, can's gwawrio bron, Mae haf-ddydd yr efengyl lon; I'r 'nysoedd pell, daw'r trysor drud, A'i swn â hyd eithafoedd byd. Cair gwel'd y blaidd, a'r Oen ynghyd, Y myn a'r llewpard o'r unfryd; Y llo, y llew, a'r 'nifail brâs, Mewn heddwch mawr, heb gwympo ma's. Bachgennyn bychan yn ei law, A'u trin, a'u harwain yma a thraw; Llid yn y rhai'n byth mwy ni bydd, Yr anian newydd garia'r dydd. Y fywch yngyd â'r arth a bawr, A'u llydnod sydd mewn heddwch mawr; Anghofia'r llew greulondeb cas, Fel ŷch fe bora wellt y ma's. Y plentyn sugno, chwery'n ffra'th, Wrth dwll yr asp, heb ofni brath; 'Rhwn a ddiddyfnwyd, heb ddim braw, Ar ffau y wiber rhydd ei law. Diniwaid fyddant o bob rhyw, Ar hyd holl fynydd sanctaidd Duw; Yn wirion iawn cyfnewid gras, Y rhai fu gynt yn gyndyn cas. Gwybodaeth Iesu sydd yn 'stôr, Fel dyfroedd mawr yn llanw'r môr, Daw'r de a'r gogledd at yr Iôn, Holl bwrcas gwaed yr anwyl Oen. Llamma fel hydd, tros fryniau pell, Cyflawna'r addewidion gwell; O! galw d'etholedig hâd, I brofi rhagorfreintiau'th waed. llanw'r môr :: llenwi'r môr
Tonau [MH 8888]: |
The good time shall come, since it is almost dawning, It is the summer-day of the cheerful gospel; To the distant isles, comes the precious treasure, And its sound as far as the world's extremities. The wolf shall be seen, together with the Lamb The kid and the leopard of the one mind; The calf, the lion, and the fattened animal, In great peace, without falling out I little boy by his hand, Shall deal with them, and lead them here and yonder; Wrath in them shall nevermore be, 'Tis the new nature shall carry the day. The ox together with the bear shall graze, And their young shall be in great peace; The lion shall forget hated cruelty, Like an ox he shall feed on the grass of the field. The sucking child, shall play boldly, At the hole of the asp, without fearing a bite; The weaned child, without any terror, On the viper's lair shall put his hand. Harmless they shall be of every kind, All along the holy mountain of God; Innocently exchanging grace, Those who were formerly stubbornly hateful. The knowledge of Jesus shall be a store, When great waters flood the sea, The south shall come and the north to the Lord, The whole purchase of the blood of the beloved Lamb. Leap like a deer, over distant hills, Fulfill the better promises; O call the chosen seed, To experience the excellent privileges of thy blood. flood the sea :: fill the sea tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |