Daw dydd y cryna gweision pechod

Daw dydd y cryna
    gweision pechod,
  Gan euogrwydd, poen, a braw,
Pan fo gwaredigion Iesu
  Yn canu ar ei ddeheu-law;
Dyma'r pryd, ini gyd,
I ddiengyd rhag y llid.

Dydd heb nos i drag'wyddoldeb,
  Tyred weithian, brysia'r pryd,
Gwela'i Farnwr byw a meirw,
  Ar y cwmwl uwch y byd;
Beunydd mae, yn neshau,
Ei ddyfodiad, O na bai.

Gwaredigaeth fydd ddiweddaf,
  Gwedi'r holl gaethiwed blin,
Mi ro'f ffarwel i'm cystuddiau
  Ar un boreu bob yr un;
Ar ddyheu-law, Iesu draw,
Cana'i'n beriadd maes o law.

Fry mae'm lle yn nhrag'wddoldeb,
  Fry mae'm cartref fyth i fyw,
Fry y mae 'nghyfeillion goreu,
  'Nawr yn gweled gwyneb Duw;
O na chawn, cyn prydnawn,
Hedeg i'r orphwysfa lawn.

O ryfeddod maith diddarfod,
  Gweled dwylaw 'Mhrynwr drud,
Yn agoryd drws y bywyd,
  I bechadur mawr ryw bryd;
A chydag E, yn y ne',
Byw heb symud byth o'm lle.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo 1764

[Mesur: 8787337]

The day is coming when the
    servants of sin shall tremble,
  With guilt, pain, and terror,
When the delivered ones of Jesus be
  Singing at his right hand;
This is the time, for us all,
To escape from the wrath.

A day without night for eternity,
  Let it come now, hasten the time,
I see the Judge of living and dead,
  On the clouds above the world;
Daily is, drawing near,
His coming, O may it be!

Deliverance shall be at last,
  After all the grievous captivity,
I shall bid farewell to my afflictions
  On one morning every one;
At the right hand, of Jesus yonder,
I shall sing sweetly soon.

Above is my place in eternity,
  Above is my home forever to live in,
Above are my best friends,
  Now seeing the face of God;
O that I could, before evening,
Fly to the full resting-place.

O vast undying wonder,
  To see my precious Redeemer's hands,
Opening the door of life,
  For a great sinner some time;
And with him, in heaven,
To live without ever moving from my place.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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