Deddf Jehofa perffaith yw

(Salm 19. Rhan II [ad. 7—11.]
Y Gair yn well nag aur coeth)
Deddf Jehofa, perffaith yw,
Try i'r iawn yr enaid byw;
   Ei dystiolaeth ef sy dda,
   Ac yn ddoeth y gwirion gwna.

Deddfau'r Iôn,
    rhai union ŷn',
Llawenhant brudd galon dyn;
  Pob gorchymyn sydd yn bur,
  Rhydd i'r llygaid oleu gwir.

Glân yw ofn y Duw dilŷth,
Ac a bery felly byth;
  Gwir yw ei holl farnau drud,
  Cyfiawn hefyd ŷnt i gyd.

Mwy dymunol ŷnt nag aur,
Gwell nâ choeth-aur yw ei air;
  A melusach yw heb gêl
  Na diferiad diliau mêl.

Ynddo fe'n rhybuddir oll
Rhag y ffordd a'n dwg ar goll;
  Ynddo hefyd darllen ffydd, -
  "Gwobrwy fawr o'i gadw fydd."
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: 7777]

  Rhan I - Y nef sy'n datgan mawredd Duw
  Rhan III - Pwy a ddeall ei gamweddau?

(Psalm 19. Part 2 [vv. 7-11]
The Word better than fine gold)
The law of Jehovah, perfect it is,
It turns to the truth the living soul;
  His testimony is good,
  And wise it makes the foolish one.

The Laws of the Sovereign,
    upright ones they are,
They make the sad heart of man rejoice;
  Every command is pure,
  Open to the eyes of true light.

Pure is the fear of the unfailing God,
And shall continue thus forever;
  True are all his precious judgments,
  Righteous also are they all.

More desirable they are than gold,
Better than fine gold is his word;
  And sweeter it is without concealment
  Than the dripping of the combs of honey.

In it all are warned
From the way which leads to loss;
  In it also faith reads, -
  "A great prize shall be from keeping it."
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
 7 God's perfect law converts the soul,
     reclaims from false desires;
   With sacred wisdom his sure word
     the ignorant inspires.

 8 The statutes of the Lord
       are just,
     and bring sincere delight;
   His pure commands, in search of truth,
     assist the feeblest sight.

 9 His perfect worship here is fixed,
     on sure foundations laid;
   His equal laws are in the scales
     of truth and justice weighed.

10 Of more esteem than golden mines,
     or gold refined with skill;
   More sweet than honey, or the drops
     that from the comb distil.

11 My trusty counsellors they are,
     and friendly warnings give;
   Divine rewards attend on those
     who by thy precepts live.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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