Deffro f'enaid edrych draw

(Edrych i Galfaria)
Deffro, f'enaid, edrych draw,
  Gwel Galfaria Fryn gerllaw,
Dacw'r hoel a'r bicell fain,
  Dacw'r bigog goron ddrain,
'Nawr yn gorwedd ar ei ben -
  Cryned daear, dued nen;
Câna dithau f'enaid mwy,
  Am rinweddau maith ei glwy'.

Wele, f'Arglwydd sy mewn poen!
  Ffrynd troseddwyr addfwyn Oen;
Poen hyd angeu, ond ei waed -
  Balm o Gilead rydd iachâd:
Ti Physygwr, perffaith Dduw,
  Geidw f'enaid gwan yn fyw;
Minau gânaf i ti glod
  Na bydd diwedd arno'n bod.

Mae'r farwolaeth Crist ar bren,
  Llawn foddlonwyd nefoedd wen;
Er mor ffiaidd yw fy nghlwy'
  Iachawdwriaeth Crist sydd fwy:
Iawn difai yr addfwyn Oen
  Lona f'enaid, er ei boen;
Drwy ei waed caf dd'od i'r lan,
  Iddo byth y bydd fy nghân.
Fryn gerllaw :: bell gerllaw
yn gorwedd ar :: yn amwysg ar
ond ei waed :: poen hyd waed
perffaith Dduw :: O! fy Nuw
Geidw :: Cadw

William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7777D]:
Aberystwyth (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Crux Salutifera (John Stainer 1840-1901)
Presburg (Gesangbuch Freylinghausen 1714)
Tichfield (John Richardson 1816-79)

  Dacw'r ffynnon fawr a gaed
  Dacw'r ffynnon heddyw gaed

(Look to Calvary)
Awake, my soul, look yonder,
  See Calvary Hill nearby,
There is the nail and the sharp spear,
  There is the spiky crown of thorns,
Now lying on this head -
  Let the earth tremble, let the sky blacken;
See thou my soul evermore,
  About the vast merits of his wound.

See, my Lord who is in pain!
  The Friend of transgressors, the dear Lamb;
Pain as far as death, but his blood -
  The Balm of Gilead gives healing:
Thou Physician, perfect God,
  Shalt keep my weak soul alive;
I shall sing to thee praise
  To which there shall be no end.

The death of Christ on the tree has,
  Fully satisfied blessed heaven;
Although so detestable is my wound
  The salvation of Christ is greater:
The faultless ransom of the dear Lamb
  Cheers my soul, despite its pain;
Through his blood I will get to come up,
  To him forever shall be my song.
Hill nearby :: yonder nearby
lying on :: as clothing on
but his blood :: pain as far as blood
perfect God :: O my God!

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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