Deued dyddiau o bob cymmysg

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,4,6.
(Trugaredd a gofal Duw)
Deued dyddiau o bob cymmysg
  Ar fy nherfynedig oes;
T'wyned haul oleudeg
  Yntau gwasged garw groes,
Clod fy Nuw gaiff
    lanw 'ngenau
  Trwy bob tymmhestl,
    trwy bob hin:
A phob enw gaiff ei lyngcu
  Yn ei enw ef ei hun.

Ynddo'n unig 'rwy'n ymddiried,
  Hollalluog yw fy Nuw;
A phob noddfa wy'n ffieiddio
  Arall - annigonol yw;
Yn ei iachawdwriaeth rasol
  'N unig 'rwyf yn llawenhau;
Dyma'r fan y tardd cysuron
  Sy'n dragwyddol yn parhau.

Mae'n gofalu am fy nghadw
  Trwy bob cystudd
    mwya'r byd,
A chyflawni, pan bo'n gyfyng,
  Fy anghenion oll i gyd;
Mae yn arwain fy ngherddediad,
  Yn fy nhywys yn y blaen,
Ac yn gwylio ar fy nghamrau -
  Bob ysgogiad, fawr a mân.

Mae ei glustiau yn agored
  I bob rhyw ddrylliedig lef,
Ac mae'r drom ochenaid glwyfus
  Yn cyrhaeddyd ato ef;
Pan bo t'wyllwch ac anobaith
  Yn amgylchu'm llwybrau cudd,
Daw a thry yn gàn' goleuach
  D'wyllwch nôs na hanner dydd.

Llwybrau bendith yw'i orchymynion,
  Llwybrau bywyd, llwybrau gwir;
Trwy bob cwmmwl mae yn gweithio
  Mewn goleuni disglaer pur;
Mae'i ddyfodiad fel yr heulwen;
  Byth ni allwn yma fyw
Heb gael profi presennoldeb
  Llawn, hyfrydaf, pur fy Nuw.

Boed fy nhafod fyth, gan hyny,
  'N seinio'i anghydmarol glôd,
Rhyfeddodau maith y cariad,
  Penaf welodd dyn erioed;
Caiff angylion a seraphiaid
  Blethu eu cân â mi yn un,
Gyda llu heb un rhifedi,
  Am ogoniant Mab y Dyn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Ledforth (<1869)
Llan-Gan (alaw Gymreig)
Tanycastell (John Jones [Talysarn] 1796-1857)

  Ffynnon wyt o bob tosturi
  Pa gyfnewidiadau bynag

(The mercy and care of God)
Let the days of every confusion come
  On my limited life;
Let the sun of light and
    fair success shine,
  Let it deliver a rough cross,
The praise of my God will
    get to fill my mouth
  Through every tempest,
      through every climate:
And every name will get swallowed
  In his own name.

In him alone I am trusting,
  Almighty is my God:
And every refuge I am detesting
  Another - insufficient it is;
In his gracious salvation
  Alone I am rejoicing;
Here is the place comforts issue
  Which are eternally enduring.

He is caring for my keeping
  Through all the greatest afflictions
    of the world,
And fulfills, when ever there be straits,
  All my needs altogether;
He is guiding my walking,
  Leading me forwards,
And watching over my steps -
  Every motivation, great and small.

His ears are open
  To every kind of shattered cry,
And every heavy, wounded groan is
  Reaching him;
When ever darkness and hopelessness be
  Surrounding my hidden paths,
He will come and turn the darkness of night
  A hundred times lighter than noon.

Paths of blessing are his commandments,
  Paths of life, paths of truth;
Through every cloud he is working
  In pure, shining light;
His coming is like the sunshine;
  Never would I live here
Without getting an experience of the full,
  Delightful, pure presence of my God.

May my tongue forever be, therefore,
  Sounding his incomparable praise,
The vast wonders of the supreme
  Love man has ever seen:
Angels and seraphs will get
  To blend their song with me as one,
With a host without any number,
  About the glory of the Son of Man.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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