Dewch canwn Blant Dynion y rhyfel a fu

Let mortal tongues attempt to sing

(Y Diafol yn cael ei orchfygu; neu,
Rhyfel Michael a'r Ddraig, Dat. xii.7.)
Dewch, canwn Blant Dynion,
    y rhyfel a fu
Trwy'r nef, pan oedd Michael
    yn Dywysog y llu,
  I'r Brenin trag'wyddol
      (un gwrol a gwiw)
  Yn ymladd Rhyfeloedd yr Arglwydd ein Duw.

Yn erbyn y Diafol y Ddraig
    a'i holl lu,
Byddinoedd yr Arglwydd
    a lwyddodd yn gry';
  Yn ofer ymffrostient a
      llidient mor llym,
  Fe ballodd eu Harfau, 
      fe syrthiodd eu grym.

Fe daflwyd hen Satan i'r ddaear i lawr,
Ei lengoedd a gwympwyd gorchfygwyd y Cawr;
  A'r udgorn o orfoledd
      fe'i chwithwyd e' fry,
  Ne's ysgwyd Dyfnderau
      ofnadwy'r Pwll du.

'Nawr heibio 'r aeth awr
    y tywyllwch a'r braw,
Crist gymmerth y deyrnas
    a'r gallu'n ei law;
  Cyhuddwr y brodyr
      (mae'n dda ganthynt hwy)
  A daflwyd o'r nefoedd
      ni chyfyd ef mwy.

Trwy'th Waed yr Oen sanctaidd
    (mae'i rinwedd mor fawr)
Y sathrodd dy lLuoedd y Temtiwr i lawr;
  Trwy'th Air a thrwy'th
      Enw galluog erio'd
  Ynnylliwyd y brwydr,
      i ti byddo'r Clod.

Am hyn llawenyched
    trigolion y nen,
Llewyrched pob seren yn siriol uchben;
  A'r Saint pan y canoch
      am ryfel y nef, 
  Dyrchefwch eich Prynwr a'i Enw mawr ef.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775


(The Devil being overcome; or,
The War of Michael and the Dragon, Rev. 12:7.)
Come let us sing, Children of Men,
    the battle that was
Throughout heaven, when Michael
    was Prince of the host,
  For the King eternal
      (one manly and worthy)
  Fighting the battles of the Lord our God.

Against the Devil, the Dragon
    and all his host,
The armies of the Lord
    succeeded strongly;
  Vainly they boasted and became
      so sharply wrathful,
  Their weapons failed,
      their power fell.

Old Satan was flung down to the earth,
His legions fell, the Giant was overcome;
  And the trumpet of jubilation
      it was blown up above,
  Until the terrible depths of
      the black pit were shaken.

Now past went the hour
    of the darkness and the terror,
Christ shall take the Kingdom
    and the power in his hand;
  The accuser of the brethren
      (it is good for them)
  Was cast from heaven
      he shall rise no more.

Through the blood of the holy Lamb
    (his merit is so great)
Thy hosts trampled the Tempter down;
  Through thy Word and through
      thy powerful Name ever
  Was the battle won,
      to thee be the acclaim.

Therefore let the inhabitants
    of the sky shine,
Let every star shine cheerfully overhead;
  And ye Saints, when ye sing
      about the battle of heaven,
  Exalt your Redeemer and his great Name.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
(The devil vanquished; or,
Michael's war with the dragon.)
Let mortal tongues
    attempt to sing,
  The wars of Heav'n,
      when Michael stood
Chief general of
    th'eternal King,
  And fought the battles of our God.

Against the dragon
    and his host
  The armies of the
      Lord prevail;
In vain they rage,
    in vain they boast,
   Their courage sinks,
       their weapons fail.

Down to the earth was Satan thrown,
  Down to the earth his legions fell;
Then was the trump
    of triumph blown,
  And shook the dreadful
      deeps of hell.

Now is the hour
    of darkness past,
  Christ has assumed
      His reigning power;
Behold the great
    accuser cast
  Down from the skies,
      to rise no more.

'Twas by Thy blood,
    immortal Lamb,
  Thine armies trod the tempter down;
'Twas by Thy Word
    and powerful name
  They gained the battle
      and renown.

Rejoice, ye heav'ns;
    let every star
  Shine with new glories round the sky;
Saints, while ye sing
    the heav'nly war,
  Raise your deliverer's name on high.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

Tune [LM 8888]: St John's Highlands (anonymous)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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