De'wch ferched Sion de'wch yn llu
Dewch ferched Seion dewch yn llu

(Crist yn Frenin - Rhan I)
Dewch ferched Sion, dewch yn llu,
  Dewch allan i ryfeddu,
A gwel'd eich Brenin gwridog gwyn,
  Yr awrhon yn teyrnasu.

Fe wisgodd unwaith cyn prydnhawn,
  Yn dawel iawn a diddig,
Er cymaint poen
    oedd pigau main,
  Y goron ddrain blethedig.

Fe ddarfu ei boen, 'nawr gwelwch e',
  O fewn y ne'n disgleirio;
Mewn gwisg gogoniant pur dinam,
  A rodd ei fam am dano.

Trg'wyddol glod, a mawl didrai,
  Yw'r goron mae yn wisgo;
Ei nerth, a'i râs,
    a'i farwol glwy,
  Yw'r cariad mwy fydd iddo.

Dewch allan bellach, dewch ar frys,
  Gadewch eich blŷs anwyla';
Edrychwch ar y Brenhin, dewch,
  Ac yna cewch eich gwala.

Dydd ei ddiweddi heddyw yw,
  Diwrnod Duw ei hunan;
Ei hun bu'r achos 'honno fod,
  Boed iddo'r clod yn gyfan.
Fe wisgodd unwaith cyn prydnhawn :: Bu ef yn gwisgo un prydnawn
'nawr gwelwch :: O gwelwch
Mewn gwisg gogoniant :: Gwisg o ogoniant
fel y wawr :: pur dinam
A rodd ei fam :: Y sydd yn awr
mae yn wisgo :: mae e'n wisgo;

William Williams 1717-91
Môr o Wydr 1762

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Rhan II - O Frenin mawr O D'wysog cun
  Rhan III - Wel dyma'r dydd nid yw ond gwawr

(Christ as King - Part 1)
Come, daughter of Zion, come as a host,
  Come out to wonder,
And see your ruddy, white King,
  Now reigning.

He dressed once before afternoon,
  Very quietly and placid,
Despite the amount of pain
    that were the sharp spikes,
  Of the plaited crown of thorns.

His pain vanished, now see ye him,
  Within heaven shining;
In garments of pure, innocent glory,
  That his mother put around him.

Eternal acclaim, and unebbing praise,
  Is the crown he is wearing;
His strength, and his grace,
    and his mortal wound,
  Is the love evermore he has.

Come out now, come at once,
  Leave your dearest pleasure;
Look on the King, come,
  In then get your fill.

Today is the day of his betrothal,
  The day of God himself;
He himself was the cause that this is,
  To him be the acclaim altogether.
He dressed once before afternoon :: He dressed one afternoon
now see ye :: O see ye
In garments of glory :: Garments of glory
pure, innocent :: like the dawn
That his mother put :: That are now

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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