De'wch gwelwch D'wysog nefoedd fawr

(Adgyfodiad Crist)
De'wch, gwelwch D'wysog nefoedd fawr,
O radd i radd yn dôd i lawr;
  I groth y ddae'r i esmwythâu
  Gwelyau'i etholedig rai.

'Nol gorwedd dro, fe ddaeth i'r làn,
Agorodd ddrws i mi oedd wan,
  I adgyfodi a d'od i maes,
  Er cadw'r porth gan angeu glas.

Gwelwch fy Nuw'n ei ddynol wedd,
Yn gorwedd obry yn y bedd;
  'Rwy'n gwybod fod fy Iesu'n Dduw,
  Pan codai'i hun o farw i fyw.

Pa ddrwg wna'r bedd
    a'r pryfaid mân?
Bu f'Arglwydd yno o fy mlaen;
  Pa'm ofna'm henaid fyn'd i'r lle
  Gorweddodd ynddo Frenin ne'?

Allweddau angeu
    du ei wedd
Sy'n cauad ar bydewau'r bedd;
  Allweddau uffern fawr a'r nef,
  Sy'r awrhon wrth ei wregys ef.

              - - - - -

Dewch, gwelwch D'w'sog nefoedd fawr,
O radd i radd yn dôd i lawr,
  I groth y dda'r i esmwythau,
  Gwelyau'i etholedig rai.

'N ol gorwedd dro, fe ddaeth i'r lan,
Agorodd ddrws i mi oedd wan,
  I adgyfodi a d'od i ma's,
  Er cadw'r porth gan angeu glâs.

Gwelwch fy Nuw, 'n ei ddynol wedd,
Yn gorwedd obry yn y bedd;
  'R wy'n gwybod fod fy Iesu'n Dduw,
  Pan codai ei hun o farw i fyw.

Poenau a gefaist yma i gyd,
Cynefin â doluriau o hyd;
  Fflangellwyd, hoeliwyd ti ar y pren,
  I angeu dy crymaist dy ben.

Pwy ddrwg wna'r bedd
    a'r pryfaid mân?
Bu f'Arglwydd yno o fy mla'n;
  Pa'm ofnai'm henaid
      fyn'd i'r lle
  Gorweddodd ynddo Frenin ne'?

Mae angeu wedi myn'd i ma's,
Nid yno'n awr mae'n cadw ei blâs,
  Can's dyna'r pryd
      y ca'dd fath glwy',
  Ni saif yn medd
      y seintiau mwy.

O'r holl allweddau 'speiliwyd ef,
Sy'n cauad ar bydewau'r bedd;
  Rhai'n, ac allweddau uffern ddu,
  Sydd oll wrth wregys f'Arglwydd cu.

Fy meiau mawrion oedd mor drwm,
Neb ond fy Nuw a dalsai'r swm;
  Gwasgodd Greawdwr nefoedd faith
  I ddyfnder daear ar ei daith.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tôn [MH 8888]: Angel's Hymn
    (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)

(The Resurrection of Christ)
Come ye, see the Prince of great heaven,
From degree to degree coming down;
  To the earth's womb to soothe
  The beds of his chosen ones.

After lying for a while, he came up,
He opened a door to me who was weak,
  To rise again and come out,
  Though the gate be kept by utter death.

See ye my God in his human countenance,
Lying below in the grave;
  I know that my Jesus is God,
  When he himself arose from dead to alive.

What harm shall the grave
    and the little worm do?
My Lord was there before me;
  Why shall my soul fear to go to the place
  In which the King of heaven lay?

The keys of death with
    its black countenance
Which is a lid on the pits of the grave;
  The keys of great hell and heaven,
  Are now on his belt.

                 - - - - -

Come ye, see the Prince of great heaven,
From degree to degree coming down,
  To the womb of the earth to soothe
  The beds of his chosen ones.

After lying for a while, he came up,
He opened a door for me who was weak,
  To rise again and come out,
  Though the gate be kept by utter death.

See ye my God, in his human countenance,
Lying below in the grave;
  I know that my Jesus is God,
  When he himself rose from dead to alive.

Pains thou didst have here altogether,
Acquainted with sorrows always;
  Thou wast flogged, nailed on the tree,,
  To death thou didst bow thy head.

What harm shall the grave
    and the small worms do?
My Lord was there before me;
  Why should my soul fear
      to go to the place
  In which the King of heaven lay?

Death has gone out,
It is not there now keeping its palace,
  Since that was the time
      it got such a wound
  It will not stand in the grave
      of the saints anymore.

Of all the keys he despoiled,
That are a lid on the pits of the grave;
  Those, and the keys of black hell,
  Are all at the belt of my dear Lord.

My great faults were so heavy,
None but my God would pay the sum;
  The vast heavens' Creator was pressed
  Into the earth's depth on his journey.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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