Dewised dynion drwg

Let sinners take their course

(Salm LV - Dewisiad Credadyn)
Dewised dynion drwg 
  Y ffordd a'u dwg i angeu;
Ond Arglwydd, yn d'addoliad Di
  Y treuliaf fi fy nyddiau.

Fy llef at orsedd gras
  Y bore glas cyfeiriaf;
Ceisiaf dy fendith ganol dydd,
  A'r nos yn brudd addolaf.

Gwrandewi ar fy llef,
  Fy Nuw, o'r Nef yn barod:
Pan drengo dynion drwg mewn braw
  Dan bwys dy law a'th ddyrnod.

Mi rof fy ngofal dwys
  I orphwys ar yr Arglwydd;
Pwy ond Efe all ddwyn fy maich
  A'm dal â'i fraich rhag tramgwydd?

Fe ddeil ei anwyl blant
  Na syrthiant byth yn hollol,
Y sail lle mae'u diogelwch cry'
  Nid ysgog gallu bydol.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MBC 6787]:
Dolgellau (<1875)
Frank (<1875)

gwelir: Fy llef at orsedd gras

(Psalm 55 - A Believer's Choice)
Let wicked men choose
  The road which leads them to death;
But Lod, in Thy praise
  I will spend my days.

My cry to the throne of grace
  In the early morning I will direct;
I will seek thy blessing at midday,
  And at night earnestly I will worship.

Listen to my cry,
  My God, from heaven readily:
When wicked men perish in terror
  Under the weight of thy hand and thy punch.

I shall give my intense care
  To rest on the Lord;
Who but He can bear my burden
  And keep me with his hand from evil?

He will keep his dear children
  They will never fall completely,
The foundation on which is their strong safety
  A worldling cannot shake.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
Let sinners take their course,
  And choose the road to death;
But in the worship of my God
  I'll spend my daily breath.

My thoughts address His throne
  When morning brings the light;
I'll seek His blessing every noon,
  And pay my vows at night.

Thou wilt regard my cries,
  O my eternal God,
While sinners perish in surprise
  Beneath Thine angry rod.

But I with all my cares
  Will lean upon the Lord:
I'll cast my burdens on His arm,
  And rest upon His Word.

His arm shall well sustain
  The children of His love;
The ground on which their safety stands,
  No earthly power can move.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [SM 6686]:
  Aber (1875 William H Monk 1823-89)
  Advent (1872 John Goss 1800-1880)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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