Doed O Grist yn ffrwd ddiatal

(Y Cariad sy'n Parhau)
Doed, O! Grist, yn ffrwd ddiatal,
  Ras y nef i'n c'lonnau ni;
Ni all cariad dyn ymgynnal
  Ond ar wyrth dy gariad Di:
Pan fo'n serch a'n sêl yn pallu,
  A'n ffyddlondeb prin ar drai,
Dal 'r wyt Ti o hyd i garu,
  Dal i faddau inni'n bai.

O! dirion Iesu,
Gwrando ein gweddi,
Gad in brofi dy dangnefedd,
A rho i ni d'orfoledd,
A rho i ni d'orfoledd.
Richard Samuel Rogers 1882-1950

Tôn [Anthem] (Charles Gounod 1818-93)

(The Love that Endures)
O Christ, let the grace of heaven,
  Come as a ceaseless stream to hearten us;
The love of man cannot uphold
  Except by the miracle of thy love:
When our affection and our zeal be fading,
  And our scarce faithfulness ebbing,
Still thou art always loving,
  Still forgiving us our sin.

O tender Jesus,
Listen to our prayer,
Let us experience thy tranquility,
And give us thy joy,
And give us thy joy.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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