'Does neb all gydymdeimlo mwy

'Does neb all gydymdeimlo mwy,
  A phlant na'r Iesu mwyn,
Pob baich roi'r ar eu 'sgwyddau hwy,
  Mae'r Iesu wedi'i ddwyn.
Bu'n faban bychan fel myfi,
  Bu'n cysgu ar lin ei fam;
Bu'n llechu yn ei mynwes gu,
  Mewn arswyd rhag cael cam.

Bu'n d'rysu gyda gwersi maith,
  Bu'n dysgu geiriau Duw.
Bu yn llafurio gyda'i waith,
  Do, er cael modd i fyw.
Fe wyr am holl
    helyntion plant,
  Bu'n blentyn bach ei hun.
Gwyr am bob poen
    ac am bob chwant
  All gwrdd a'r lleiaf un.

Pe yn newynog neu yn dlawd,
  Neu mewn adfydion blin;
Mae'n cydymdeimlo megis brawd,
  Bu'r Iesu felly'i hun.
Mae'i galon yn cydguro'n awr,
  Er byw yn nghanol nef,
A holl galonau plant y llawr,
  Sy'n ceisio'i ddilyn Ef.
Eleazar Roberts 1825-1912
Y Delyn Aur 1868

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: 'Does Neb All Gydymdeimlo Mwy
    (Y Delyn Aur 1868)

No-one can sympathise more
  With children than gentle Jesus,
Every burden put upon their shoulders,
  Jesus has borne.
He was a little baby like me,
  He slept on his mother's knee;
He hid in her dear bosom,
  In horror lest he get hurt.

He was confused by long lessons,
  He learned the words of God.
He laboured at his work,
  Yes, in order to earn a living.
He knows about all the
    troubles of children,
  He was a little child himself.
He knows about every pain
    and about every desire
  That can meet with the least one.

If hungry or poor,
  Or in grievious adversities;
He is sympathising like a brother,
  Jesus was like that himself.
His heart beats together now,
  Although he lives in heaven's centre,
With all the hearts of children below,
  Who are seeking to follow him.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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