Dos ymlaen bererin egwan

(Tad yr Afradlon)
Dos ymlaen, Bererin egwan,
  Trwy'r diffeithwch dos ymlaen,
Er mor athríst yw dy olwg,
  Try dy alar eto'n gân:
Llygaid Nef sydd ar dy gamrau,
  Teithia 'mlaen, Bererin gwan;
Ronyn eto ffrydiwch, ddagrau,
  Chwi a sychir yn y man.

Dacw'i Dad yn dod â gwisgoedd
  Harddach na goleuni'r wawr,
Yn cusanu'r crwydryn eiddil,
  Ar ei wddf yn syrthio i lawr?
Uwch ac uwch yn awr y tery
  Tannau'r nef eu sain ynghyd:
O! a yw dy werth yn gymaint?
  F'enaid bach, a wyt mor ddrud?
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu) 1792-1846

Tôn [8787D]: Tanymarian (Edward J Stephen 1822-85)

gwelir: Pwy yw'r blin bererin acw

(The Father of the Prodigal)
Go onward, weak Pilgrim,
  Through the desert go onward,
Although so sad is thy sight,
  Thy mourning shall turn into song again:
The eye of heaven is on thy steps,
  Travel onward, weak Pilgrim;
For a while yet flow, tears,
  Ye shall be dried soon.

Behold his Father coming with garments
  More beautiful that the dawn's light,
Kissing the feeble wanderer,
  On his neck falling down?
Higher and higher now shall strike
  Heaven's strings their sound together:
O art thou worth so much?
  My little soul, art thou so precious?
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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