Draw ar fore'r atgyfodiad Una'r corff â'r enaid pur; Derfydd gofid, derfydd galar, Derfydd cur. Rhaid am ennyd yw gwahanu, A rhoi'r corff o encil bedd; Ac ymhlyg tawelwch sanctaidd Cwsg mewn hedd. Y blinedig gorff a orffwys, A'i wynepryd tua'r wawr, Nes dod gwawr y Pasg disgleiriaf, Olaf, mawr. Ond yr enaid mewn myfyrdod Enfyn weddi daer a glân, Hon ar ddydd yr atgyfodiad Dyr yn gân. Corff ac enaid adunedig, Fythol nis gwahenir mwy; A bydd delw Crist eu Ceidwad Arnynt hwy. O! brydferthwch, O! lawenydd, Dydd yr atgyfodiad mawr, Heb un machlud byth i ddilyn Bore'r wawr. Fore'r Pasg hyfrydol hwnnw Pan agorir beddau'r byd, Fe ddaw tad, a mam, a phlentyn, Eto 'nghyd. I'r cyfarfod dedwydd hwnnw Dwg ni, Iesu, 'n rhin dy loes, Trwy y farn, yn glynu'n gadarn Wrth dy Groes.W M Wright 1878-1950 Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1962 Tôn [8783]: Mansfield (<1962) |
Yonder on the morning of the resurrection The body and the pure soul shall unite; Grief shall perish, mourning shall perish, Pain shall perish. Necessary for a while it is to separate, And put the body in the seclusion of a grave; And amongst the sacred quietness Sleep in peace. The exhausted body shall rest, With its face towards the dawn, Until the dawn of the last, great, radiant Passover comes. But the soul in meditation Shall send an intense and holy prayer, This on the day of resurrection Shall break into song. Body and soul reunited, Never more shall be separated; And the image of Christ their Saviour shall Be upon them. O beauty, O joy, The day of the great resurrection, Without any sunset to follow The morn of dawn. The morning of that delightful Passover When the world's graves shall be opened, Father, mother, and children shall come Together again. To that happy meeting Bring us, Jesus, in the merit of thy anguish, Through the judgment, sticking firmly To thy cross.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |