Dros y moroedd ['r ŷm / 'rwyf] yn hwylio

(Bywyd yn Fordaith)
Dros y moroedd 'r ŷm yn hwylio
  A'n hŵynebau tua'r wlad,
Lle bydd inni'n ddiogel lanio
  Yng nghymdeithas bur ein Tad:
Cwmni'r Iesu dry yn llon
Holl ofidiau'r fordaith hon.

Hafan deg a gynau gwynion
  Ddaw i'r golwg yn y man;
Yno llu o'n hen gyfeillion
  Sy'n ein haros ar y lan:
Sŵn eu mawl ar draws y lli
Ddena gwrs ein bywyd ni.

Wedi cyrraedd bro goleuni,
  Melys weithian fydd ein cān;
Creithiau pechod wedi'u codi,
  Ninnau yn dragwyddol lān;
Yna canwn iddo Ef
Anthem cariad
    plant y nef.
"J Jones (Talog), Dowlais."
Y Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1955-74

-- -- -- -- --

(Mordaith bywyd)

Dros y moroedd 'rwyf yn hwylio
  A fy wyneb tua'r wlad,
Lle mae'r seintiau wedi glanio
  Am gymdeithas
      Tŷ eu Tād,
Cwmni'r Iesu dry yn llon
Holl ofidiau'r fordaith hon.

Hafan deg, a gynau gwynion
  Ddaw i'r golwg yn y man.
Lle mae llawer o'm cyfeillion
  Yn fy aros ar y lan,
Sŵn eu mawl ar draws y lli
Ddena gwrs fy mywyd i.

Wedi cyrraedd bro goleuni,
  Melys weithian fydd fy nghān,
Creithiau pechod wedi'u codi,
  Minnau yn dragwyddol lān;
Yna bloeddiaf Iddo Ef
Anthem cariad
    plant y nef.
"Mr Talog Williams, Swansea."
Llawlyfr Moliant 1930

Tonau [87.87.77]:
Bryngolau (Darmstadt Gesangbuch 1698)
Ebenezer (E E Jones)

(Life as a Voyage)
Over the seas we are sailing
  With out faces toward the land,
Where we shall be landing safely
  In the pure fellowship of our Father:
The company of Jesus shall turn joyful
All the griefs of this voyage.

A fair havan and white robes
  Shall come into view in a while;
Thre a host of our old companions
  Are waiting for us on the shore:
The sound of their praise across the flood
Attracts the course of our life.

Having reached the vale of lights,
  Sweet henceforth shall be our song;
The scars of sin having been lifted,
  And we eternally holy;
There we shall sing unto Him
The anthem of the love
    of the children of heaven.

-- -- -- -- --

(The voyage of life)

Over the seas I am sailing
  With my face toward the land,
Where the saints have landed
  For the fellowship
      of their Father's house.
The company of Jesus shall turn joyful
All the griefs of his voyage.

A fair haven, and white robes
  Shall come into view in a while.
Where there are many of my companions
  Waiting for me on the shore,
The sound of their praise across the flood
Attacts the course of my life.

Having reached the vale of lights,
  Sweet henceforth shall be my song,
The scars of sin having been lifted,
  And I eternally holy;
Then I shall shout Unto Him
The anthem of the love#
    of the children of heaven.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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