Drwy rinwedd dadleuaeth

Drwy rinwedd dadleuaeth,
  eiriolaeth yr Iawn,
Moliannu Duw'r nefoedd
  yn gyhoedd a gawn,
Am eni'r Iachawdwr,
  y Prynwr mewn pryd,
Yn Geidwad i ddynion,
  abwydion y byd.

  O deuwn i'w dŷ
  a lleisiwn yn llu
Mewn cariad gwir frawdol
  i'w ganmol yn gu.

  Diolchwn, da yw,
  am fod yma'n fyw
I gofio babandod
  a dyndod Mab Duw.

Cyn gwawriad naturiol
  wybrennol ryw bryd
Llewyrchai gwawr nefol
  arbedol i'r byd,
Sef gwawr Haul Cyfiawnder
  yn nyfnder y nos
I arwain rhai budron
  i'r Ffynnon o'r ffos.

  Yr Iesu, o'i ras,
  ogwyddai i le gwas
Pan ddaeth yn dlawd arno
  i'n ceisio, rai cas.

  Ni feddai efe
  un llys yn y lle,
Na gwely na cherbyd,
  Anwylyd y ne'.

Clodforwn, clodforwn,
  Duw folwn hyd fedd,
Creawdwr, Cynhaliwr,
  a Rhoddwr gwir hedd.
Ei drigfa 'mysg dynion,
  rai noethion, a wnaeth
A'r dynion i undod
  y Duwdod a ddaeth;

  Fe anwyd mewn pryd
  y Baban i'r byd,
Gogoniant y dwthwn
  a gofiwn i gyd.

  Er gogan a gwawd
  mae'n Frenin, mae'n Frawd;
Hwn i bechaduriaid
  yn Geidwad a gawd.

Angylion dihalog
  (wrth ddisgwyl eu tro),
Fu'n seinio moliannau
  hyd fryniau y fro
Am eni'r Iachawdwr
  yn Ddyddiwr i ddyn,
Yn noddfa mewn trallod,
  yn Gyfaill a lŷn;

  A ninnau yn awr
  a folwn yn fawr;
Cydseinied y nefoedd
  a lluoedd y llawr:

  Tra bôm yn y byd,
  O rhoddwn ein bryd
Ar ddilyn yr Iesu,
  a'i garu i gyd.
Ebenezer Thomas (Eben Fardd) 1802-63


Through the merit of argument,
  the mediation of the Atonement,
Let us praise the God
  of heaven publicly,
For the birth of the Saviour,
  The Redeemer in time,
As a Keeper for men,
  the worms of the world.

  O let us come to his house
  and let us voice as a throng
In true brotherly love
  to extol him dearly.

  Let us thank, good it is,
  for being here alive
To remember the babyhood
  and humanity of the Son of God.

Before a natural celestial
  dawning on some occasion
A heavenly saving dawn
  shone for the world,
That is the Sun of Righteousness
  in the depth of the night
To lead some filthy ones
  to the Fount from the ditch.

  Jesus, of his grace,
  inclined into a servant's place
When poverty came upon him
  To seek us, detestable ones.

  He did not possess
  any court in the place,
Nor bed, nor chariot,
  the Beloved of heaven.

Let us extol, let us extol,
  Let us praise God as far as the grave,
Creator, Upholder,
  and the Giver of true peace.
His dwelling-place among men,
  some naked, he made
And the men to the unity
  of the Divinity have come;

  He was born in time
  the Baby for the world,
The glory of the occasion
  let us all remember.

  Despite scorn and ridicule
  he is a King, he is a Brother;
He for sinners
  a Keeper was received.

Spotless angels
  (while waiting their turn),
Were sounding praises
  as far as the hills of the region
For the birth of the Saviour
  as a reconciler for men,
As a refuge in trouble,
  as a Friend who will stick;

  And we now
  let us praise greatly;
Let heaven sound together
  with the hosts of the earth below:

  While ever we be in the world,
  O let us render our intent
To following Jesus,
  and loving him altogether.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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