Duw bia'r aur a'r arian

(Cyfoeth Duw)
Duw bia'r aur a'r arian,
  A'r cyfan sydd i'w cael,
O'r angel cry' adeiniog,
  Hyd at y gwyfyn gwael,
Ac oll sydd yn y moroedd,
  A gwyneb daear lawr,
A'r mwnau sy'n ei chrombil,
  Ynt eiddo'r Crëwr mawr.

A'r awyr faith gylchyna
  Y bydoedd oll i gyd,
A chymaint a gynhwysa
  Sy'n cadw'u lle o hyd;
A'r nifer o fywiolion,
  Dienw genym ni,
Maent oll i ateb dyben
  Doethineb Un yn Dri.

O'r eryr craff ei olwg,
  Anamlwg yn y nen,
Y'mhlith y llu asgellog,
  Cyfrifir ef yn ben,
At adar mân y goedwig
  Sydd nesaf at y llawr,
Dysgwyliant am gynhaliaeth
  O law eu Crëwr mawr.

Ymlusgiaid ac abwydod,
  Diystyr iawn gan ddyn,
Nid ynt heb fod dan sylw,
  A gofal Duw ei hun;
O'r llew brenhinol waered,
  Hyd at y lleiaf oll,
Ni edy Duw rywogaeth
  Yr un i fyn'd ar goll.

Mae effaith y gair "Bydded"
  Yn para 'nawr o hyd,
Mewn nerth a llawn ogoniant
  Fel oedd yn nechreu'r byd:
O bydded i ni gofio
  Fod pawb yn byw a bod,
Dan sylw pur Jehofa;
  Boed iddo fythol glod.
Daniel Jones 1788-1862
Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol 1845

[Mesur: 7676D]

(The wealth of God)
God owns the gold and the silver,
  And the whole that is to be had,
From the strong, winged angel,
  To the lowly moth,
And all that is in the seas,
  And the face of the earth below,
And the mines which are its store,
  They belong to the great Creator.

And the vast sky which surrounds
  All the worlds altogether,
And so much they contain
  Which keeps their place always;
and the number of living things,
  Unnamed by us,
They are all to answer the purpose
  Of the wisdom of One in Three.

From the eagle with acute vision,
  Not obvious in the sky,
Amongst the winged host,
  To be counted as chief,
To the small birds of the woodland
  Who are nearest to the ground,
They are waiting for support
  From the hand of their great Creator.

Creeping things and worms,
  Very much disregarded by man,
They do not go without the notice,
  And the care of God himself;
From the regal lion downwards,
  As far as the least of all,
God will not let any
  Kind be lost.

The effect of the word "Let there be!"
  Persists now still,
In strength and full glory
  As it was in the beginning of the world:
O let us remember
  That everyone living and being is
Under the pure notice of Jehovah;
  To him be everlasting praise!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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