Duw bydd yn gymmorth ar fy nhaith

(Erfyniad am gymmorth ar y daith)
Duw, bydd yn gymmorth ar fy nhaith,
'R wy'n ofni morio'r cefnfor maith,
  Tymhestloedd angeu sydd o'm blaen;
Am hyny, Arglwydd, bydd ger llaw,
Yn cadw dychryniadau draw,
  Mewn cyfyngderau dŵr a thân.

Ti'm dygaist,
    trwy Dy anfeidrol râs,
O'r elyniaethol Aipht i maes,
  Tir o euogrwydd a phob gwae:
Dŵg fi eto trwy'r anialwch maith,
Heb gyfeiliorni, i ben fy nhaith,
  Lle ca'i 'n dragwyddol Dy fwynhau.

Er amled, cryfed,
    ac mor hy',
Yw y gelynion imi sy, 
  Mwy ydyw nerth
      Dy anfeidrol râs;
Distawa'r dorf, gorchfyga'r gâd,
Sydd am fy rhoddi dàn eu traed,
  A dŵg fi o'u cadwynau i maes.

Ti, ffynnon bywyd beraidd, ddwys,
Arnat dy hun 'rwy'n rhoddi 'mhwys,
  Ti yw fy Mrenin a fy Nuw;
P'le trof fy wyneb, Iesu cun,
Ond yna atat ti dy hun?
  Gwraidd fy niddanwch o bob rhyw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
Gweddi Luther (Geistliche Lieder 1539)
Hwyrfryn (<1897)
Pant-y-celyn (alaw Ellmynig)

(Supplication for help on the journey)
God, be a help on my journey,
I am fearing sailing the vast ocean,
  Tempests of death are before me;
Therefore, Lord, be at hand,
Keeping horrors away,
  In the straits of water and fire.

Thou didst bring me,
    through thy immeasurable grace,
Out from the hostile Egypt,
  The land of guilt and every woe:
Bring me still through the vast desert,
Without straying, to my journey's end,
  Where I may get eternally to enjoy thee.

Although so frequent, so strong,
    and so bold,
Are the enemies I have,
  Greater is the strength
      of thy immeasurable grace;
Silence the throng, overcome the troop,
That want to put me under their feet,
  And bring me out from my chains.

Thou, fount of sweet, deep life,
Upon thee I am leaning,
  Thou art my King and my God;
Where shall I turn my face, dear Jesus,
But there towards thee thyself?
  The root of my comfort of every kind.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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