Duw, bydd yn gymmorth ar fy nhaith, 'R wy'n ofni morio'r cefnfor maith, Tymhestloedd angeu sydd o'm blaen; Am hyny, Arglwydd, bydd ger llaw, Yn cadw dychryniadau draw, Mewn cyfyngderau dŵr a thân. Ti'm dygaist, trwy Dy anfeidrol râs, O'r elyniaethol Aipht i maes, Tir o euogrwydd a phob gwae: Dŵg fi eto trwy'r anialwch maith, Heb gyfeiliorni, i ben fy nhaith, Lle ca'i 'n dragwyddol Dy fwynhau. Er amled, cryfed, ac mor hy', Yw y gelynion imi sy, Mwy ydyw nerth Dy anfeidrol râs; Distawa'r dorf, gorchfyga'r gâd, Sydd am fy rhoddi dàn eu traed, A dŵg fi o'u cadwynau i maes. Ti, ffynnon bywyd beraidd, ddwys, Arnat dy hun 'rwy'n rhoddi 'mhwys, Ti yw fy Mrenin a fy Nuw; P'le trof fy wyneb, Iesu cun, Ond yna atat ti dy hun? Gwraidd fy niddanwch o bob rhyw.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [888D]: |
God, be a help on my journey, I am fearing sailing the vast ocean, Tempests of death are before me; Therefore, Lord, be at hand, Keeping horrors away, In the straits of water and fire. Thou didst bring me, through thy immeasurable grace, Out from the hostile Egypt, The land of guilt and every woe: Bring me still through the vast desert, Without straying, to my journey's end, Where I may get eternally to enjoy thee. Although so frequent, so strong, and so bold, Are the enemies I have, Greater is the strength of thy immeasurable grace; Silence the throng, overcome the troop, That want to put me under their feet, And bring me out from my chains. Thou, fount of sweet, deep life, Upon thee I am leaning, Thou art my King and my God; Where shall I turn my face, dear Jesus, But there towards thee thyself? The root of my comfort of every kind.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |