Duw galluog yw dy enw

(Dyrchafu'r Faner)
Duw galluog yw dy enw,
  Anfon heddiw gymorth llawn
I gyhoeddi Mab dy gariad,
  A rhinweddau'i ddwyfol Iawn;
    Nes i'r atsain
  Lawenhau eneidiau trist.

Heddiw dyro rym i seinio
  Utgorn iachawdwriaeth fawr,
Nes i gaerau anghrediniaeth
  Gael eu dryllio hyd y llawr:
    Fry dyrchafer
  Baner ddisglair Calfari.
William Hughes 1761-1826

Tôn [87874]: Blaen-Cefn (John Thomas 1839-1922)

(Raising the Banner)
Powerful God is thy name,
  Send today full help
To publish the Son of thy love,
  And the merits of his divine Atonement;
    Until the echo
  Cheers sad souls.

Today give strength to sound
  The trumpet of great salvation,
Until the fortresses of unbelief
  Get broken down to the ground:
    Let the shining banner
  Of Calvary be raised high.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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