Duw galluog yw dy enw, Anfon heddiw gymorth llawn I gyhoeddi Mab dy gariad, A rhinweddau'i ddwyfol Iawn; Nes i'r atsain Lawenhau eneidiau trist. Heddiw dyro rym i seinio Utgorn iachawdwriaeth fawr, Nes i gaerau anghrediniaeth Gael eu dryllio hyd y llawr: Fry dyrchafer Baner ddisglair Calfari.William Hughes 1761-1826 Tôn [87874]: Blaen-Cefn (John Thomas 1839-1922) |
Powerful God is thy name, Send today full help To publish the Son of thy love, And the merits of his divine Atonement; Until the echo Cheers sad souls. Today give strength to sound The trumpet of great salvation, Until the fortresses of unbelief Get broken down to the ground: Let the shining banner Of Calvary be raised high.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |