Duw gwisg dy weinidogion oll

(Gweddi dros Weinidogion)
Duw, gwisg dy weinidogion oll,
  Yn ddigoll â'th gyfiawnder;
Pob dawn ysbrydol iddynt rho
  A chryfder o'r uchelder.

Rho ysbryd gras a gweddi gref
  A'th hoff dangnefedd iddynt;
A cysur dy efengyl gu
  A gaiff ei draethu ganddynt.

Yn hael disgynned, megis gwlith,
  Dy nefol bendith arnynt;
A dyro hynod lwyddiant hir
  I'r gair a heuir ganddynt.

Gydweithia'n gryf â'th weision gwael,
  Moes iddynt hael gysuron;
A gwna hwy'n ddoeth i droi'r digred,
  A gwylied y duwiolion.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [MS 8787]:
  Ach Döhterlin (H von Loufenberg 1391-1460)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Dymuniad (Robert H Williams 1805-76)
Ely (T Turton )
Trallwm (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

gwelir: O Arglwydd da yr eglwys deg

(Prayer for Ministers)
God, clothe all thy ministers,
  Unfailingly with thy righteousness;
Every spiritual gift to them give
  And strength from on high.

Give the spirit of grace and strong prayer
  And thy lovely peace to them;
And the comfort of thy dear gospel
  Shall get expounded by them.

Generously let descend, like dew,
  Thy heavenly blessing upon them;
And grant notable, long success
  To the word to be sown by them.

Work together strongly with thy poor servants,
  Offer them generous comforts;
And make them wise to turn the unbelieving,
  And may they watch over the godly ones.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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