Duw, llefara wrth fy ysbryd Air yn ddirgel er Dy glod; Dan y gwres ac yn y gofid Nerth i'r egwan wyt erio'd. Dyro imi aden eryr I hedeg tua'r Ganaan wlad, A ffyddiog undeb â Dy berson Sydd uwch cyrraedd cig a gwa'd. Nid oes gennyf ond Dy hunan Yn Arweinydd ffyddlon im; Dan Dy gysgod mae fy noddfa Yn y storom fwya'i grym. Cadw 'ngolwg ar yr hafan Lle mae'm tynfa, doed a ddêl; Tiroedd hyfryd yr addewid, Gwlad yn llifo o laeth a mêl. Yn y dyfroedd mawr a'r tonnau Nid oes neb a ddal fy mhen Ond fy annwyl briod Iesu A fu farw ar y pren: Cyfaill yw yn afon angau A ddal fy mhen-i uwch y don: Golwg arno wna imi ganu Yn yr afon ddofon hon. O fy enaid, disgwyl ronyn! Paid er dim â llwfwrhau! Er mynd trwy lawer brwydyr galed Mae'r frwydyr olaf yn nesáu. Caf gyfarfod a'm cyd-filwyr Aeth trwy'r frwydyr o fy mla'n, Yn seinio'r hyfryd fuddugoliaeth O un galon ar un gân.1782 Dafydd William 1720-94 Tôn [8787D]: Alexander (John Roberts 1806-79) gwelir: Iesu cyfaill pechaduriaid Milwyr Sion cym'rwn galon Nid oes genyf ond dy hunan Yn y dyfroedd mawr a'r tonnau |
God, speak to my spirit A word in secret for Thy praise; Under the heat and in the trouble Strength to the weak art thou ever. Give me an eagle's wings To fly to the Cannaan land, And trusting union with Thy person Which is above the reach of flesh and blood. I have nothing but Thyself As a faithful Leader to me; Under thy shadow is my refuge In the strongest storm. Keep me sight on the haven Where I am drawn, come what may; Pleasant lands of the promise, A land flowing with milk and honey. In the great waters and the breakers There is nothing which holds my head But my dear husband Jesus Who died on the tree: A friend he is in the river of death Who holds my head above the wave: The sight of him makes me sing In this deep river. O my soul, wait for a while! Do not for anything be discouraged! Although going through many a hard battle The last battle is drawing near. I may meet with my fellow-soldiers Who went through the battle before me, Sounding the pleasant victory Of one heart on one song.tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion |