Duw wnaeth yr adar bach i gyd

Duw wnaeth yr adar bach i gyd
  A'r blodau glân eu lliw;
Maent yn eu hiaith yn dweud o hyd
  Mae cariad ydyw Duw.

    Mae Duw'n ein caru - dyna'n cân,
      Mae Duw'n ein caru ni;
    Os yw yn caru'r adar mân -
      Mae Duw'n ein caru ni.

Ni syrth yr un aderyn to
  Heb gael ei sylw cu;
Mae'n caru adar bach y fro -
  Mae Duw'n ein caru ni.

Efe a liwia'r lili lân
  A ddeil mewn bythol fri;
Fe gâr y rhos a'r blodau mân -
  Mae Duw'n ein caru ni.

Gawn ninnau, fel y blodau pêr,
  Brydferthu llwybrau'r llawr?
Llewyrchwn fel y lloer a'r sêr,
  Trwy rinwedd Iesu mawr.
Thomas David Edwards 1874-1930

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Llanddulas (<1962)

God made all the little birds
  And the flowers with pretty colours;
In their languages they always tell
  That God is love.

    God loves us - that is our song,
      God loves us;
    If he loves the little birds -
      God loves us.

No house sparrow falls
  Without getting his dear notice;
He loves the little birds of the vale -
  God loves us.

'Tis he who colours the pretty lily
  That he holds in everlasting renown;
He loves the heath and the little flowers -
  God loves us.

May we too, like the sweet flowers,
  Beautify the paths of the earth below?
Let us shine like the moon and the stars,
  Through the merit of great Jesus.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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