Duw y cariad nad yw'n oeri

(Gweddi am Adfywiad)
Duw y cariad nad yw'n oeri
  Tad y gras nad yw'n lleihau, 
Trugarha a gwrando'n gweddi,
  Tyred atom i'n bywhau, 
Gwisg dy weision â'th daranau,
  Llosg â'th dân holl
      ddrygau'n hoes,
Rho i ninnau fel ein tadau
  Brofi grymusterau'r groes.

O tosturia wrth genhedlaeth
  Gyndyn, wamal, falch ei bryd
Sy'n dirmygu'i hetifeddiaeth
  A dibrisio'i breintiau drud, 
Oes a giliodd o'th gynteddau
  Yn ei blys am fwyniant ffôl, 
Oes sy'n fyddar iawn ei chlustiau
  I'th alwadau ar ei hôl.

Gwagedd yw pob bri a llwyddiant 
  Lle ni byddo crefydd fyw,
Ofer addysg a diwylliant 
  Heb oleuni Ysbryd Duw:
Arglwydd, dychwel ni i'r golau,
  Hen ac ieuainc, dychwel ni,
Gwna i ninnau fel ein tadau 
  Gerdded rhagom gyda thi.
George Rees 1873-1950

Tonau [8787D]:
Bryn Terrace (John Gabriel 1844-1913)
In Memoriam (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Tanymarian (E J Stephen 1822-85)

(Prayer for Revival)
God of the love that does not grow cold
  Father of the grace that does not wane,
Have mercy and listen to our prayer,
  Come to us to enliven us,
Dress thy servants with thy thunders,
  Burn with thy fire all
      the evils of our age,
Grant to us as to our fathers
  To experience the powers of the cross.

O show mercy to a generation
  Stubborn, fickle, with a proud air
That is scorning its heritage
  And devaluing its precious privileges,
An age that retreated from thy courts
  In its lust for foolish enjoyment,
An age that has very deaf ears
  To thy calls after it.

Vanity is all renown and success
  Where there be no living faith,
Empty learning and industry
  Without the light of the Spirit of God:
Lord, return us to the light,
  Old and young, return us,
Make us too, like our fathers,
  Walk forward with thee.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'
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