Dy drugaredd Arglwydd sy

(Salm 36. 5-7.)
Dy drugaredd, Arglwydd, sy
Hyd y nefoedd uchel fry;
  A'th wirionedd, ffyddlon Dduw,
  Cyfuwch â'r cymmylau yw.

Fel mynyddoedd cedyrn mae
Dy gyfiawnder yn parhau;
  Rhyw ddyfnderoedd rhyfedd fawr
  Yw dy farnau ini'n awr.

Dy ragluniaeth dda o hyd
Sydd yn cynnal cwrs y byd;
  A dy ofal nos a dydd
  Am yr holl gre'digaeth sydd.

O mor werthfawr yw i ni
Dy drugaredd dyner di!
  Dan dy edyn clyd, O Dduw,
  Mwy'r ymddiried dynol ryw.
Casgliad o Psalmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: 7777]

(Psalm 36:5-7)
Thy mercy, Lord, is
Up to the high heavens above;
  And thy truth, faithful God,
  Is as high as the clouds.

Like firm mountains is
Thy righteousness enduing;
  Some great wonderful depths
  Are thy judgments to us now.

Thy good providence always
Is upholding the course of the world;
  And thy care night and day
  Is for the whole creation.

O how precious to us is
Thy tender mercy!
  Under thy secure wing, O God,
  May human kind evermore trust.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
5 But, Lord, thy mercy, my sure hope,
    above the heav'nly orb ascends;
  Thy sacred truth's unmeasured scope
    beyond the spreading sky extends.

6 Thy justice, like the hills, remains;

    unfathomed depths thy judgments are;

  Thy providence the world sustains;

    the whole creation is thy care.

7 Since of thy goodness all partake,
    with what assurance should the just
  Thy shelt'ring wings their refuge make, 
    and saints to thy protection trust.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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